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Naina Prabhoo

"Raise your hands." ordered the police in a loud voice.

The back of the little murderer was facing the police who pointed the gun at her.

Dropping the weapon, a jack knife the pale faced lass turned with her hands in the air.

"Arrest her."

She was handcuffed and was dragged by her upper arm. She stopped, looked at her aunt who was bringing the whole house down by her wailing while her mother did her level best to console her, then turned her head and continued walking until she was made to sit in the blue van with the most horrendous siren on it.

She was made to sit in a dark room that smelled like rotting meat. There were cameras placed in all four corners and a microphone in front of her.

The metal door opened and was slammed shut by a female inspector.

She sat opposite the girl and observed her, looking cluelessly.

"So," began the inspector. "why did you kill your uncle?"

I cannot take Ambika's name, the fourteen year old thought for a moment and then replied, "It's a secret."


"I'm not permitted to share." she replied once more.

"Do you want me to have you beaten to pulp, to get the truth out of you?" she asked.

"I cannot say anything."

Even after much probing and threatening the girl stuck to her statement. The police finally declared that she had an unhealthy mind.

She was sent to the juvenile house where her youthful age was spent in torture. Released at the age of eighteen, she was later rearrested for drug smuggling. At 22 she was released once more.

"Here are your papers." said the inspector.

"Where do I go?" she asked.

"Why are you asking me? I don't know- get lost bloody murderer! Stay on the streets, perfect place for a scumbag like you!" he replied brutally. The rest of the officers laughed in succession.

She sighed taking them from him, put it into her sweat shirt and zipped it. Stepping out of the police station she began wandering.

She had no home, no friends, no family. Back when she was eighteen she used to live with a drug dealer who made her sell drugs in remote areas. Since the organization was seized there was no where she could go. No one to offer her a job. She had no degrees and already had a bad reputation.

She walked aimlessly until a man in black biker jacket and ripped jeans approached her.

"What's up gal?" he asked.

"I have no place to stay." she replied.

"Oh, is that what's bothering you!?" he chuckled.

"Yes." she nodded.

"I'll give you a place to stay." he replied. "Are you willing to come along?"

"Yes." she nodded without giving a second thought.

He took her by her hand and walked through the damp, dirty and crowded lanes of Mumbai, until they reached a local bar.

He sat on a tall stool and ordered a pitcher of beer while she  sat beside him and asked, "What is that?" Pointing at the beer fizzing up at the surface.

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