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Pushed Back

Sameera was left breathless, tired and violated, Reddy had taken advantage of her once more. But, this time she was devastated, no more tears dripped down her soar eyes, nor did a thought of murder run past her mind, nor did she struggle to stop him. She was dead, dead from within her heart, her mind was paralyzed, her body oozing out the mixed fluid from their sex.

He pulled on his shirt, while she stared at the ceiling, naked and blank. She had no idea what was going on with and around her. The sheets were stained yellow and a milkey white.

"Good work my baby doll!" he said placing a kiss on her forehead.

He walked out of the room leaving the door wide open for the rest of his men to enter and violate her. Each time they throbbed into her she flinched and moaned. She was exhausted, yet her body allowed her to reach euphoria each time they told her to 'cum'.

Tired, violated, her inners splitting with pain, her head felt a sharp jeark and someone open her mouth and push his cork into her mouth. Unwillingly she sucked until she felt a warm spurt slip down her throat.

"Sir, Kajal has managed to enter Reddy's hotel as a waiteress." informed Prabhas.

"Excellent!" he nodded. He looked at Ravi and asked "Any lead?"

"Sir, he just spoke to a man named Nikolai." replied Ravi. "I've recorded the conversation."

Mahesh took the headphones from him and began playing the audio, "Hello,"

"Hello, Mr. Nikolai." greeted Mr. Reddy. "Our next business us in Russia?"

"Yes," he replied. "our project deals with...."

"This time it is Youth Hotels for all those rebellious kids out there." clucked Mr. Reddy.

Mr. Nikolai laughed aloud and said, "Those kids will have a great time with drinks, dance and rooms."

"Jacuzzi's too," added Mr. Reddy.

"When do we begin this project?"

"When the moon is close to the earth and the tide is high." he replied.

With this the phone went dead. Mahesh kept the headphones on the table with a frown and looked up at Ravi and Prabhas who had heard the message with another headset.

"Sir, there isn't anything suspicious." said Ravi.

Mahesh didn't reply but put on the headset once more and heard the conversation once more.

Ravi went back to tapping the other phone calls. Prabhas began contacting the RAW for any internal information about Kajal.

Geeta, sat beside Mahesh and heard the conversation. She looked at him and asked, "Any clue?"

He shook his head trying hard to think what it meant. He had written the conversation down, after hearing it more then fifteen times. He read the conversation over and over again...

"Sir," began Geeta. "when the moon is close to the earth and the tide is high, can be a clue."

"I know that Geeta," he nodded. "but that's not the only message. There's something more."

Geeta frowned and replied, "They were only talking about a restaurant for teenagers."

"THATS IT!" he exclimed. "Restaurant for teenagers, rebellious teenagers not any regular teens."

Geeta looked at him confused and asked, "What does that mean?"

"That's the secret message," he replied. "Who makes a special restaurant for teenagers?"

"It can be a business strategy," said Geeta.

"A very good business strategy," smiled Mahesh.

He got up from the desk and went to Prabhas and said, "I need you to call up the meteorological department and find out when is the moon close to the earth. Also, keep a track of the moon and the tides."

"Yes, sir." nodded Prabhas.

Mahesh went back to his cabin and stared at the written conversation in front of him. His heart reminded him of Sameera. He had tried to pacify himself in vain that she was perfectly alright but he knew nothing was fine.

Sameera clothed herself and sat silently in her room. She was blank with trauma, her life was a bygone dream which wasn't going to be accomplished in this life. She did not want another life, of rape and torture.

The door creaked open and Rakesh entered the room. Sameera was looking out of the porthole, without batting an eyelid. Her eyes were impassive and her mind had Frozen and her body sore from the terrible sexual encounter.

"Are you enjoying honey?" asked Rakesh, breathing over her nape.

Sameera did not flinch, nor reply with a word or sob. Rakesh flew into a towering rage and pulled her, turning the pale lady towards him.

He held her chin and shouted, "A... A...Filthy woman.... Remember you are a prostitute. Anyone here can have sex with you and you can do NOTHING."

Sameera was impassive, his words were like wasted energy to her. Nothing entered her cheese soft head and she had become pain resistant. Frustrated Rakesh flung her on the bed and ripped the clothing off her.

She curled her fists, tightened over the bed spread as he repeatedly pounded into her making her climax each time as he did so. He left her like a vegetable on the bed and walked out slamming the door behind him.

Sameera was like a sex toy on the bed, the pain was excruciating which made it impossible for her to move. Every muscle in her body ached, her brain ceased to rationalize events and things happening to her and around her, her heart pumped as an organ of blood supply, she was dead even before she could die. Her naked body bore resemblance to the abuse endured by her since she was nine.

She managed to sit upright, holding her abdomen she ran to the bathroom. She threw up all that she had eaten into the lavatory. She stumbled and opened the door and found Shaysha standing with her hands on her waist. She pouted and burst out laughing at Sameera.

"Poor gal!" she taunted.

Sameera took her clothes from the floor and put it on her feeble body.

"Shaysha, being a woman how can you enjoy another woman's plight?" asked Sameera, in a low voice as if a whisper.

"Because I went through the same thing," she replied. "when I was eighteen, I eloped with a guy whom I loved more than anyone on this Earth. He sold me to a pimp and I ended up becoming a prostitute. I was then bought by Reddy who promised to marry me but I was made his mistress, to compensate for this mistake he let me study my medicals but warned me never to leave him and go."

"Why do you then, not understand what I'm going through?" whimpered Sameera.

"Because you fell in love with Mahesh and I couldn't-"

"Mahesh? His name is Sameer."

She clucked shaking her head ad said, "Looks like your boyfriend cheated you, Mahesh Ghattahmaneni is one of the top IB agents of Hyderabad and wanted by the entire world. He has a psychological background too."

Sameera sat down on the bed thinking about him.... Mahesh Ghattahmaneni? Sameer Singh? IB? Psychiatrist? Who is he?

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