Chapter 3: Fear Is A Common Emotion In This Household.

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I frowned once my anger had disappeared, I watched the unconscious woman on my bed for a few minutes then removed myself from her. She'd passed out from fear, I knew that because it happened a lot when people were near me.

I watched as droplets of her blood still dripped off her face and onto the white sheets, then my brother rushed into the room. "Ria! How dare you hurt mother like that? We arrived back and we witnessed a heartbroken mother in- oh God! What did you do to her?" His eyes widen once he looked over to the woman, her top lay on the floor but a bra was still attached on her.

"I'll deal with it. Just go and deal with mom." I muttered, walking into the bathroom to get a wet cloth to clean the blood of the woman. I turned the jacuzzi/bath on and it immediately began filling, I got a cloth and walked towards the bed.

Why was I doing this? I'd never done this before but somehow my body took control and my mind froze: either from the sight of her adorable sleeping state or that her bra was shown off and I wanted to take her right then.

I hadn't slept with anybody for at least 6 months. I never slept with girls unless I was aroused and that's when I'd grab the closest woman near me and rush her to the closest bedroom. I didn't see why I needed to get attached to a woman when I could use her for my pleasure only then leave; seeing as they obeyed me and if I told them that I wanted to fuck them then they couldn't disobey. They knew I'd get them one way or another.

"Amora." I muttered, not knowing how to help her since I'd never done this before but she didn't wake, nor stir so I knew I'd be doing this alone.

"Miss Ramirez, your father needs you-" I snapped my head quickly towards the guard, my hand dropping from the woman's face and my eyes narrowed like a snake does to its prey. I stalked up to him and I knew from the way he frozen in his place, no words escaping his mouth that he was terrified.

"Don't ever come into a room without asking for permission, do you understand me?" I snarled, my head leant towards his ear and he nodded quickly. I heard him gulp.

"Give me your gun." I ordered and he knew what I was going to do to him.

"Miss..." he pleaded and I smirked.

"That's an order!" He handed it to me hesitantly and I grabbed it, turning it on him.

"What could be your punishment?" I teased and it made him move uncomfortable. Then, I shot a bullet right into his hand and he screamed, cradling his pain filled hand against his chest while the familiar sight of blood run down it.

"Go." With that he ran out of the room, probably going for medical treatment which we had a couple floors down, I think on the right side of the mansion on the first floor.

I turned back towards the woman to see her eyes open and staring at me, breathing heavily. Her eyes were still drowsy and unfocused yet she knew to not allow me near her since she whimpered once I got within 2 feet of her. She seemed to be doing that a lot.

"I'm helping you. Your exhausted and in pain so I'm going to do everything for you until you feel stable enough." I tried to say it in a soft voice but I didn't understand the meaning of a soft voice so it came out deep and terrifying.

Nevertheless, she allowed me to pick her up and carry her into the bathroom and towards a comfortable chair beside the round jacuzzi/bath. I then started to wipe the dried blood from her face along while trying to hold her exhausted body up.

I didn't understand the after affect from my beatings but I guess this is how people deal with the pain. It didn't seem any better and I was shocked that she wasn't in tears since she seemed fragile and tiny compared to me.

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