Chapter 7: Don Russo.

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I don't remember falling asleep which was why I awoke in bewilderment with Ria stood above me. I was in the bed at the back of the plane which I remember the woman in front of me was showing me when we had got on the plane after her disagreement with Cara. I didn't know what it was about but I knew that wherever Ria was taking me I shouldn't be going.

"The planes about to land. Come and sit in your seat." She then disappeared through the door without a second glance. It seemed she hadn't had any sleep and she'd hardly slept through the night at the penthouse but I didn't attempt to ask her, she'd probably get mad at me for noticing her tired eyes with bags underneath.

Instead of heading towards Ria when I exited the room I moved towards Cara who was sitting at the other side of the plane. She had a laptop in front of her and glasses perched on her face which I had never seen her wear before and she seemed concentrated but her focus moved towards me when she heard the patter of my feet.

"Hey sleepyhead. How're you doing?" She smiled softly as I sat next to her and I couldn't help but feel comfort having her close to me. I rarely felt any comfort with anybody I've met since Ria took me but there was something about Cara that always helped me relax.

"Fine, I guess. Still worried about Jake." I frowned at the thought of him.

"Yes, I heard. Don't worry, I helped clean him up after he was thrown in with Ria's men and he didn't get any more damage to him afterwards." I gulped at the thought of him being tortured by the tall men constantly running after Ria and following her orders. Speaking of her, she sat on the opposite side of the huge, private plane but I still noticed her keeping an eye on me while she spoke to one of her guards.

"I didn't mean for him to be hurt. Ria just- I don't know why she got mad, I was only speaking to him since she locked me in her penthouse all night!" The last thing I wanted was Cara to dislike me for getting others hurt but she placed her hand over mine.

"It's fine darling. I know exactly what Ria is like and you- I don't know how to do it but you manage to both anger her and make her want you even more." I watched as Ria's eyes dart over to us after our hands were placed on each other, I think Cara did too because she quickly removed it, not wanting to cross her boss.

"Amora, I know you don't know a lot where we are heading but it's about to get a lot more real and dangerous for you." My heart accelerated at the seriousness.

"You may not see Ria as a protecter over you but she protects you a lot more than you think. Once we land you need to stay beside her, on this trip she will protect you from a lot of dangerous people."

"Why can't she just let me go? Won't that be protecting me?" The thought of me being released excited me but Caras pitiful face made me loose hope.

"Your involved in everything now Amora. As soon as you make eye contact with Ria Ramirez your dragged into everything to do with the MOB and there is no escape. Even if she ever let you leave, people would go after you and kill you. A lot of people despise Ria because she has killed many people and their families eventually come back for revenge over their loved ones. They'll use you as bait to lure Ria to them then kill you, trust me, it's happened a lot." Cara turned away for a moment before snorting, "and that's without even thinking she'd let you go. Your hers and I'm pretty sure you mean more to her than she's admitting."

"What do you mean?" Cara turned to me with a look, it was as if to say 'your kidding right' but when I only showed confusion she burst out laughing, gaining the attention of everybody on the plane, including the leader of the MOB. I blushed when I realised the amount of eyes staring at us while Cara struggled to calm herself down.

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