Chapter 5: "We're Moving Into My Penthouse."

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We arrived back to the mansion without no words exchanged but when I attempted to open the door handle to the car Ria locked the door and I internally sighed. What more could she want from me?

"Don't. I open your door so I can ensure you don't escape." Ria warned me with not only her words but her eyes making me turn away from those devious grey orbs. I silently obeyed her, waiting for her to get out and come to my side of the car.

"Cheer up baby, I did make you come only a couple hours ago." Ria winked but my body churned in disgust. How can she act as if I wanted it? I didn't want it but I couldn't handle the amount of pleasure she was giving me and my body caved under her touch.

The frown on my face stayed nevertheless Ria still pulled me me closer to her, as we walked my head dropped further as we headed into the mansion. I felt a lot safer while in the open because I knew people where around however going inside she could do whatever she wanted and nobody would disobey her.

"Ria, your back early." Her Father was just leaving the house as we were heading in. I hadn't got the chance to have a real look at the man but I could his daughter took after him. He was well built, a stern look on his face and his clothes screamed rich.

"Yes, she tried to escape so I had to leave." Her father's eyes darted towards me and a familiar smirk (that I usually see from his daughter) made its way onto his face making my eyes widen in fear. I instantly disliked this man, he looked like he could destroy somebody with just a look.

"And you gave her a punishment?" When Ria nodded he grinned. The look on his face made me shiver as if he enjoyed me being punished.

"Of course. I think she's getting the message." He chuckled at me before leaning over.

"Good, just know little girl, you can't outsmart us. If you was was with me and you tried to, you'll be killed." I scrunched my nose up in disgust and rolled my eyes. I'd already heard that line so many times before that I think it was their slogan.

"Your breath reeks. Did you brush your teeth this morning?" The man growled in anger and his eyes narrowed, just like his daughters would but this time I didn't see Ria's look match his. Actually she looked amused which shocked me.

"RIA! Teach your BITCH some manners!" He spat before marching out of the home and into one of his flashy cars.

"You really have no filter." She murmured before grabbing my hand and we took the magnificent stairs to Ria's side of the mansion. "But I'm going to need to be quiet in the presence of others," then she turned to me with lustful smile, "although you can make all the sounds you want in the bedroom." She laughed loud once seeing my scowl.

"No thank you." I tried to remain my strong facade but I was terrified, I didn't want another replay of today, not ever.

"Alright, lets get packed up." My head tilted towards her.

"What? Why?"

"Ah, I figured it'd be easier to keep an eye on you if we were in a smaller home. So I decided to move us into my penthouse."

Alone with Ria Ramirez! I couldn't handle that, that means she could do anything she wanted at anytime to me without anybody to stop her.


"Do not argue with me again Amora, I'm telling you that you need to get your essentials and my guards will get your clothes."

I didn't move and she growled in annoyance. "You need rest don't you?" I nodded my head in agreement since the time at the warehouse had taken all my energy but I didn't understand why she said that.

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