Chapter 8: The Contract.

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"We took too long! This is a picture of her, GO!" Ria pushed a picture and a gun into my hand but I shook my head quickly, not wanting to go inside of the house that was, by now full of lifeless bodies.

"N-No, I ca-n't! I-I'm scared!" I panicked.

"Amora, you can do it. We will handle all the people that will try to kill us, you just run up the stairs and keep searching for the girl like that picture. We haven't got time! I haven't got any of my men here to help!" Seeing the annoyance in Ria's eyes made me take off running through the front door of the house but I choked immediately smelling the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

I felt as though my heart was in my chest, many of the gang was still coming from all doors but turning towards Ria I couldn't believe the amount of skill she had with a gun, she didn't even need any of her MOB.

"AMORA, GO!" I heard Ria scream at me and her aim the gun at me, my eyes widen when I head the gun shoot towards me so I closed my eyes quickly and screamed loudly thinking it was flying straight to my head but when I opened my eyes I watched a man hit the floor with a huge thud.

Oh, thank God! She wasn't killing me.

Run! I said to myself and the first thing I saw was stairs so I rushed up them, trying not to slip by my haste movements and shaking legs.

"What room?" I muttered to myself before trying to open the door closest to me which was locked, "of course it's locked!" I grumbled before hitting the handle repeatedly with my shoe until it eventually creaked open. I hesitantly walked inside, my feet shaking with every step and I thought I was going to pass out.

What if there was a gang member with a gun in here?

Before I had time to turn back the body in the corner instantly captured my attention. It wasn't moving but I could see the movement of her chest against her tagged clothes, it helped me breathe a sigh of relief. I didn't want to witness another lifeless body.

"Um, ex-excuse m-me, I-I'm-" I was cut off by the body turning my way so I could see the face of them. It was a blonde woman, she seemed to have a bruised and swollen face but once she seen me she bolted from the floor making my eyes widen and into my arms, catching me off guard. I luckily caught her before she could send us flying towards the disgusting floor boards.

"Oh, thank God! I thought I would die here, are you here to save me? Did my fiancé send you? I knew he'd find a way!" I stared at her in bewilderment, she sure was beautiful. Even in her state, her pearly white teeth and bright blue eyes shone through and captured everybody's attention.

"Uh, my master-"

"Found them!" One of Ria's men shouted in the doorway and she was instantly through the door and had me in her arms.

"I thought I heard a gunshot up here!" She seemed panicked but I sensed her relax once her red and bloody hands wrapped around my waist. Catching me off guard I gasped as one of her fingers ran up my hair and held my head against her.

"I'm fine," I muttered a little hazy from her holding me in such manner. She released me when we heard sirens.

"Let's go! Grab the fiancé and come." Without warning she picked me up and ran through the house, once I noticed the blood splatter on the wall as she ran down the stairs I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see the bloodbath they had caused.

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