Chapter 13: Worse Than Ever.

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After Don made an entrance he had taken me to another penthouse, this one was smaller but still as nice as Ria's. He didn't seem to force me into anything, like Ria which I liked, he just let me explore and do what I wanted.

"Amora, what do you want to do?" My eyes turned from the luxury kitchen to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I'm sure you wouldn't want to move to Italy with us, your life is here."

"But it isn't, my father and mother was killed and I have nobody. What would I stay here for?" I said with such hatred for the place. Ria was the reason for this, it was her fault I have no family left.

Don sighed, "I know you've had it tough Amora, you were just an innocent girl who had everything robbed from her but you can't tear yourself apart because of it. Your always going to be involved with the Mob, your name has a meaning to it." I stared in bewilderment as he continued. "Different Mobs know the Valentine name. I guess now is the time to tell you about it." My eyebrows furrowed.

"Come, sit down and I'll tell you why your in this mess." I eagerly sat on the couch and waited for the answers that have been causing havoc in my mind.

"Your father was clever, he never had plans for the future. When he was younger I met him, he'd became a kid that wanted to test the world, try everything out and when he'd went into his teens it turned to illegal thing. This is where he met Ria's father, do you know his name?" I tried to think back, but I don't think Ria had told me his name so I shook my head. "I can't remember." He nodded. "His name is Ivan Ramirez, he began following your father's, let's say, troublesome ways. I presumed he was a teenager and would eventually settle down and stop the illegal acts. At this point I didn't know what Ivan and your father were doing, they didn't tell me much but somehow, I got caught up with others. We lived in a poor city and that were the drugs and gangs come into it. Me, Ivan and George Valentine we're heading deeper into the cities gang without realising it. I never spoke to Ivan much but we both had dirt towards each other. Yet they didn't know about my drug dealing until one day we all met at the same end, fights broke out between both gangs and we was caught fighting each other. However your father always had a way," he chuckled, probably thinking about my father when he was there.

"Amora, Ivan doesn't know I'm going to tell you this but you should know; he didn't make the Mob. Your father did. What Ria is running, should be yours." My mouth dropped in shock, how was that possible?

"I know, you would never of thought that but they made their way to the top of the gangs together, they built up the drugs and eventually the men to back them until they were above everybody else. Ivan was your father's side kick in all of this, at the time he was young and clueless where as your father had all the tricks he needed to run his Mob. At this point I'd flown of to Italy, I'd have a better chance of earning money there because I wasn't getting past your father. We stayed in touch though, we were suppose to be rivals and Ivan didn't agree with us talking but when he met your mother he see,ed to come to me a lot more often, asking what he should do."

"Why? Didn't he want to be in it." He shook his head.

"He'd grew bored of the lifestyle, carrying guns around and having to watch his every move in case somebody he'd done wrong came up and killed him. When he met Elsa, your mother she became the light of his life, she didn't force him out of the Mob but she didn't agree with it. Overtime, Ivan had a better understanding of the Mob and how George run it. So, when he found out about Elsa he knew she could ruin their plans, he fought with him. Although he had children himself he didn't bother with them. Ria's mother stayed in a high secured mansion with the pair of them while Ivan lived the life of money, drugs and woman. However, George was the complete opposite to him, he only wanted his wife and tried to stay away from the drug side of the business. Of course, Ivan noticed the change and soon he told him he was having a daughter; you. He was so protective of you and you was only just being formed. Terrified in case any harm came to you or Elsa due to Ivan or rivals he boarded a private plane and flew out to me, I got him situated in a high security mansion and you spent much of your day there until George thought you'd have a great chance of going back there without Ivan remembering. But Ivan never forgets, that when he told Ria I made up story to get them and somehow you got caught up in it." I didn't realise I was playing with my fingers until he held my hand.

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