Chapter 21: Penelope.

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I knocked lightly on Amora's door, I knew she was awake as I'd checked with Cara before coming up to her side of the mansion.

"Ria." Amora opened the door cautiously.

"Amora, I apologise for last night. I hadn't mean to leave you alone in the ball." She didn't ask so I stepped into the room. The smell of her instantly filled my nose and I instantly breathed it in. I loved her smell.

"You left me with dangerous people, Ria." She was annoyed, I could tell and I didn't blame her. I'd told her I wouldn't leave her side and I did.

"I know. I never should of done that, I wish to make it up to you later today." Her eyes narrowed on mine.

"How so?" The corner of my lips twitched at her curious face.

"Well you'll just have to meet me downstairs at 5pm and find out." Her head tilted, she didn't want to come but I knew she was itching to know where I was going to take her. I have her interest and I so hoped she would agree to it.

"Where did you go Ria?" She wondered. Shit. Do I tell her?

"I had business to deal with." She stared right into my eyes; not many people did that. They'd always be looking anywhere other than me out of nervousness but not Amora, she had no fear of me anymore.

"Business? That being with the woman wearing a black skin tight dress?" She continued to throw questions at me.

"Yes. I have a meeting with her right now." She was looking at me with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out the truth by my facial expressions.

"But it wasn't business last night right? It was more sexual needs." She knew. How did she know? She pulled her lips up into a grin once she knew she'd caught me out.

"I'll hope to see you tonight Amora." Was all I replied before heading off out of her side of the mansion.

Once I left I let out a huge breath. God, I didn't even realise I was holding my breath, but she seems to have me by the throat every time I speak to her.

"Why're you so out of breath?" Cara wondered as she caught me in the hallway.

"I was running down the hall. Is Penelope here?"

"That's what I came here to tell you, she arrived a few minutes ago. I told her to wait inside the meeting room. Will Mr Valentine be involved in this business meeting?" I shook my head.

"No, I will tell him the minor details but he doesn't know who Penelope is and how dangerous life could now be." She nodded her head in agreement.

"God, what could she want Ria?" Cara seemed stressed which I wasn't surprised about. Whenever Penelope was back in town it always meant bad news.

"That's what I'm going to find out. I want you by my side."

"Of course. As long as you two don't start ripping each other's clothes off again." I sighed, it shouldn't of happened but like always; it continues to.

"Hello Penelope, its been a long time." Cara spoke sweetly before plonking down on one of the sofas.

"Your still here Cara, I never would of guessed it." Cara tilted her head.

"Why is that may i ask?" Penelope smirked but turned away.

"You may not." Penelope is not a friendly person, and she crosses everybody she comes in contact with. She was sneaky, she was malicious, and soon enough she will be inheriting her fathers Greek MOB; my rival might I add. Oh yes, it was very odd, why would I be here with her when she was going to be against me soon enough?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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