Chapter 17: Emotions & Feelings & Shit.

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"How have none of you got a lead?" I screamed at the men in front of me, who had nervously taken a step back away from me. I let out a shaky breath as once again, I hear the words 'there's no trace of them'.

"W-We searched everywhere Miss! I swe-ar!" One of them uttered, and the other immediately nodded in agreement. I waved them off and leaned against the car outside of my fathers secret hideout.

"Is this the only place left?" I slowly nodded, not looking up to George's desperate voice. I knew much of my fathers secrets, especially his hideouts whenever needed however he must of knew we'd search all of them.

It'd been three days, and we'd searched many of the states in the US. The longer they were missing, the more harm could come to them. And that's all I had thought about for past three nights I lay awake.

"I don't know where else we can look,  I even have the police helping me!" I pointed to where one of the Sargent's was and he scratched his head, trying to come up with anything else. The police and me had helped each other a lot, something I told Amora a couple weeks ago and she seemed surprised about. When I asked them for help, they seemed hesitant but after persuasion and a little manipulation, they agreed and sent their officers out.

"This is it," George whispered to himself and I looked up at him to see his depressed frame. "My wife and daughter are gone." We we're both exhausted, staying up late every night and talking about the possible hide outs he could of headed to in that time, questioning people such as airlines to see if he'd flew out anywhere but he hadn't.

"I'm trying hard George, I won't give up." He smiled softly towards me and leaned against the car.

"Me neither." I looked around the small house covered by trees. My men and police covered the property with cars and guns.

I was getting sick of this lifestyle.


"M-Mom." I stuttered out, trying to stay quiet incase they heard us. She didn't move her body from the position and I was starting to worry. My body felt as if it was on fire, every single bone felt as if it was getting crushed and I could feel the blood dripping against my fingers in this dark, cold room.

"Mo-m!" I let out a cry of agony when I moved and a pain sot through my back. I didn't know how long we'd been down here, but it felt like forever when they were beating you. I never met these men, they weren't in Ria's Mob. But how did he know Ria was going to betray him?

"I wish I could see Riley soon." I hoped as I lay on my mom's body on the white, comfy couch. We had been watching 'Beauty and the Beast' for the past hour, none of us were watching and my mothers mind seemed in the clouds. She finally turned to me.

"Hopefully sweetheart." She smiled at me before kissing my cheek.

"Your father will fix this." I loved my father, but I knew he couldn't fix what was happened alone. He hadn't been in this Mob for years, he probably hardly knew how to shoot a gun anymore, so I doubt he'd get us out of this.

"Did you meet Ivan mom?" I asked and she immediately shook her head.

"No. It took months of dating for your father to finally open up to me about everything that was happening on the side, he was just a boy but one with many ideas for the Mob. It terrified me, I didn't want him to be killed in the Mob he'd built. After awhile I persuaded him to leave and we planned it all out carefully, he would never let me near the Mob never-mind Ivan." I hummed, my father was always protecting me throughout my childhood, I still remember whenever we'd head out to go to the beach for the day and he'd have his eyes glued to everybody around us. He was never out of this Mob.

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