Chapter 10: The Mall.

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I could feel my body shivering under her stare. My bottom lip was quivering as I watched her in utter disgust, I watched as she smirked at my glare because everything she was doing was a game for her. She was playing with me as if I was a toy. Well, I was, I was her toy.

I hated her, she was the devil. Why was I beginning to see a difference in her when she held me back at that bloodbath of a house? I felt something, and so did she. I'm positive, I'm sure I was.

My mother always told me I was too sweet for the world. I remember one night she was talking to my dad, discussing how I was going to grow up in 'a world full of evil' when I was such a 'innocent girl' who thought everyone was as happy and as sweet as me. I never understood until I reached high school. Many people took advantage of that and I hated it because they'd hang around with me until they got a load of friends and left when they found someone better. Riley never left.

Oh Riley, how I miss her.

"Are you going to stand there?" Her voice snapped and I was brought down to reality. The bitch that stole my whole life from me in my face and giving me a grin.

"W-What d-o I do?" I shuddered at the thought of her touching me in such way, I didn't want her to. I never wanted her to and the thought made my gut wrench.

"Bed." She ordered and my breath caught in my throat.

No. No. No.


"BED." My legs shook as I made my way to the bed, naked and leaving all the dignity I had left I lay on the bed.

"Don't look so stiff, sweetheart."

Next week couldn't come quick enough. I'd rather die by the hand of somebody else than be in this position every week until the day I die.

"I hate you." I whispered but she only smiled.

"I've heard. Many times actually." Before I knew it her face dipped into my neck and I hissed at her teeth making contact with my skin. I wanted to punch her but I've already done that and it only led to her hurting me.

"Why can't you understand?" I cried as she licked and nibbled on my neck before moving downwards towards my collarbone and chest.

"Understand what?" She seemed uninterested.

"I was told you would protect me, how is this protection? I was told you wasn't so bad, but your forcing yourself on me proves otherwise. And I was told that I was different from all the other women you've had but how is this any different to how you treat them?" Half way through she'd stopped licking down my skin and stared at me while I spoke.

Neither of us spoke; she was still laying above me, her hand near my head where she was holding herself up and me still naked underneath her. I gulped when she opened her mouth but she instantly shut up.

"Please don't hurt me." I whispered near her ear but it seemed like she didn't hear. She continued to stare into my eyes, it wasn't uncomfortable, more like she was trying to figure me out. That or she was wanting to kiss me. Oh God, She isn't going to kiss me is she?
No thank you.

"Your right." She muttered after minutes of silence and I was baffled. "Your not like them." I was shocked, and my hanging mouth showed it.

She separated from me and I suddenly felt the heavy weight on my heart lift. I breathed a sigh of relief however continued to watch her disappear into the room connected to ours and a couple minutes later reappear with clothes in her arm. My eyebrows raised as she came forward.

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