Chapter 1

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"Touko! You need to bathe! That's disgusting!" Komaru grabbed a bottle of shampoo. "One way or another you're gonna get clean!"

Touko backed away. "No, what if I like my hygiene preferences!" "G-get away from me!" She couldn't back away anymore, it was a dead end. Komaru grabbed Touko and dragged her into the bathroom. "Toukoooo! Get in the tub!"

All of a sudden, the floor began to rumble rapidly. "Aaaah!" They both screamed, running for shelter. Komaru grabbed Touko by the arm and pulled her under the table with her. They waited and waited, until the rumbling finally stopped, leaving them both unharmed.

"Whew, that was weird, glad we're both ok. Now, get in the-" but before Komaru could finish her sentence, a giant Monokuma burst through the door. They climbed out from under the table. Komaru grabbed her megaphone while Touko pulled out her taser and shocked herself with it, turning into Syo.

"Alright, ready to take this bastard down!" Syo yelled, flashing her scissors all over the place and cutting up the Monokuma, while Komaru shot her megaphone at it. It burst apart, leaving nothing but a burn mark on the floor.

The girls ran out the door, weapons in hand. "It's not safe here! There could be more Monokumas, we need to a better place to hide," Komaru said in between short breathes. More began to appear. They obliterated them one by one, and kept on running. "Defeating these Monobears is no easy thing, even for a former super high school level serial killer like me." Syo took out another one that had been sneaking up on her left.

They kept on running, until they had taken down all the Monokumas they could, there weren't anymore in sight. Syo sneezed, reverting back to Touko. "W-what just happened?" They sat down near an empty, broken down restaurant and caught their breaths. "There were Monobears everywhere, but you brought out Syo and we took em all down!" Komaru smiled, still trying to breath.

Touko was still recovering too. "Komaru, we should get somewhere safe, for all we know there could be more Monokumas out here."
Then her eyes widened, she shakily pointed behind Komaru. "Huh? What's wrong?" She glanced behind her, only to see another huge Monokuma standing there, and without warning grabbed her by the arms. She kicked and screamed and desperately reached for her megaphone. "Touko! Help!" But Touko couldn't do anything, another Monobear appeared right behind her, grabbing her by surprise as well.

The girls struggled to get free, but without their weapons or arms or anyone around to help, it was useless. Tears came to Komaru's eyes. "T-touko! Whatever happens...I'll find a way to rescue us both, no matter what the hell these bears do!" But Touko was already passed out, and then, just like that, everything around Komaru went black.

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