Chapter 10

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Monaca Towa. The little green haired bitch who had almost killed Komaru. The two stood up, facing Monaca. "Why? Why did you do it?" Was all Komaru could manage, she was too angry. Touko completely lost and and screamed. "Are you hella crazy?! Y-you almost killed her and...and...why us?! Why would you do-" Monaca laughed, interrupting Touko.

"Isn't it obvious? I did it because your brother killed big sister Junko!" She pouted, pointing at Komaru. "Well, not him alone, him and those 5 other bastards, like you!" She pointed at Touko. Komaru quickly jumped in. "Hey! Wait, my brother Makoto didn't kill her. He, Touko, Byakuya, Aoi, Kyoko, and Yasuhiro all helped. But she's the one who executed herself!"

"Yes, I'm aware, but Makoto Naegi is still mostly guilty! Sure, she did all that despair inducing stuff, but still!" Monaca was practically throwing a fit at this point. She reached behind her, pressing a small button that revealed the gigantic Monokuma they'd seen before.

Touko and Komaru were scared to death, they looked at each other in shock, eyes peeled wide open. Normally they had a plan, they knew what to do, even if things seemed impossible. But one thing was, they always had each other no matter what.

"Komaru, I'm gonna do something crazy!" Fear shook in Touko's voice as she said the words. Komaru looked at her with worry. "Touko, what are you-" But before she could say anything else, Touko charged at the giant Monobear. It picked her up and carried her away. Komaru's eyes got so big they hurt. "TOUKO, TOUKO NO I CAN'T LOSE YOU, NOT AGAIN!" She ran after them, and the Monokuma picked her up too. The girls tried desperately to reach each other, but they couldn't.

All the while, Monaca was laughing her head off. "Seems you two have fallen right into my little trap!" She grinned deviously. "Don't worry, I'm not splitting you up again, but I have a feeling you'll LOVE what's next!"

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