Chapter 14

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"Alrighty! Get ready folks at home, these two will now! The loser gets one point closer to an execution, now watch as these girls go against each other to the eventual final death!" Monaca yelled dramatically into her microphone.

"Hey, hey, hold on! You never said anything about us being televised, and you told us that we would be free after playing your little game, not having one of us executed!" Komaru retorted with a small twinge of fear in her voice. Monaca let out a snarky laugh. "Yeah, well, that's boring, I changed my mind. Now get to your starting lines!"

Touko and Komaru purposely walked as slow as possible. "Komaru, I-I'm screwed, you know I can't run that well, e-especially being injured and all," Touko limped the rest of the way to her starting line. Komaru tried to encourage her friend, "It'll be alright, just don't worry too much. Even if I win this challenge, there's bound to be more ahead that you're better at, we'll get out of here somehow."

The two gave each other reassuring smiles and looked ahead, waiting for Monaca's announcement. "We will now begin the 300 meter dash, line up at the start...ready...set...go!" Komaru dashed up the track without stopping, looking behind every so often to make sure Touko was okay. Touko was limping up her lane the best she could manage.

She glanced over at Komaru, who was blazing down the track faster than anyone she had ever seen, glistening drops of sweat running down her forehead. Touko's heart skipped a beat for two reasons right then: she was running out of breath, and Komaru was amazing enough to be a professional. Finally, they both came to a stop, Touko placing dead last after arriving minutes behind Komaru. "Touko, are you okay? Your face is so red!" Touko looked up at Komaru, almost passing out.

She blushed and let Komaru carry her to the next door. "Oki doki, that was the 300 meter dash! Touko, one point for you! Oh, and points are bad, by the way." Touko scowled. "Thanks for the reminder." Monaca ignored her. "Let's move on to something a little more academic for our next challenge...math, so stay tuned!"

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