Chapter 6

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It had been days, Komaru was unsure of exactly how many, but she knew it'd been awhile. All she'd been doing was running, in the same direction, trying to find Touko. How though? What if she went the wrong way? What if Touko was hurt, or worse?

Komaru's stomach rumbled, again she was starving. She hadn't eaten anything for days, and the starvation was turning into pain. A faint, red light could be seen glowing in the distance. Though unsure of what it could be, she began to follow it. Her hunger was the only thing consuming her at the moment, so no matter what this was, she had to trust it could be food.

The light got brighter and brighter every step she took, and without even realizing it, she was only inches away. Komaru reached out in front of her, only to feel something entirely unexpected. Her eyes darted upward in shock, the red light she had been following wasn't anything close to the delicious food that was needed. Legs shaking, she slowly stepped back, completely unarmed.

The source of that red light was a huge, metal Monokuma robot. Controlled by who? She didn't know, all she did know at the moment was that she needed to get the hell out of there.
Komaru slowly backed away and ran, still starving and without a weapon. More importantly, without Touko. The giant Monobear began to chase her. Dammit! No way I'm faster than that thing, and I'm already out of breath! Komaru wheezed, wanting to stop for a break, but couldn't. She had to keep going.

She dodged left and right, until finally, as if by miracle, a dumpster appeared around the corner. Komaru jumped behind it, crouching down and catching her breath. She peered slightly, then slowly came out and looked all around her. The Monokuma was gone. She wiped sweat off her forehead. "Whew, safe...well, for now anyways." Her stomach growled for what had to be the thousandth time that day. "Damn, I need food." She was starving to death, Touko was her main focus, though.

What if that that Monobear caught up to Touko somehow? Whoever was controlling those things had to have known where she was, right? Now Komaru worried even more. Tears of anger fled from her eyes. "Whoever is behind this, I swear, Touko and I will kick your ass!"

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