Chapter 8

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The sun was beginning to set, Komaru felt a sharp, sudden pain shoot through her body.  "Aah! What...was that?" She glanced behind her, wondering if maybe she'd been stabbed or, it wasn't that bad, but still. Her pace started to slow as the pain grew worse. Small trails of blood started to leak out her mouth. She coughed, "W-what's happening to me?!"

Komaru knelt down, grabbing her aching side and trying desperately to wipe away the blood from the corners of her mouth and get back up. "No! Not like this...I can't die, I still have to find Touko...there's so much we haven't done together-" Suddenly, in the distance, a medium height, slim figure who seemed to be wearing a long skirt and had scraggly hair could be seen.

Squinting her eyes a little, Komaru realized who it was. Her squinty pupils widened as she struggled to pull herself back up. "T-Touko! Is over there? It's me, it's me, Komaru!" She tried to wave her hands around and yell, still coughing up blood and trying to pull herself back up at the same time.

"Huh? What was that? I thought I heard yelling-" Touko could see, and hear, someone up ahead. She gasped in realization. It was Komaru! Her walk became a run, "Komaru! I'm coming, stay there!" She quickly ran short of breath, but kept going. Finally, she stopped, and couldn't believe the sight in front of her. It was her, Komaru, right there, waiting for her to help her up so they could finally escape this mess. Wait...why was there fresh, red liquid all over the ground...with Komaru kneeling in front of it-!

Touko recognized it was blood, she began to feel dizzy. "Blood..." She felt sick to her stomach, legs shaking and palms sweating. Touko was just about to faint, but no, she had to fight it. This was Komaru, her best friend, and she was hurt badly, in need of help.

Komaru shakily glanced up at her. " me..." Touko didn't know at all what to do. "Komaru, what the hell happened to you?! Who did this?!" Fear could be sensed in her voice. "No one...I don't know *cough* it just happened...and I'm gonna die-" tears filled her eyes, Komaru could hardly speak anymore, due to choking on tears and coughing up more blood.

Then Touko knew what to do...sort of. At least something that could help, though. She checked her time limit watch. It displayed 0:0:15. 15 minutes?! Crap, no wonder Komaru's dying! She couldn't bear to just watch her lay there and spit out blood. Touko grabbed Komaru by the arm and attempted to hoist her up. She began crying herself, it was no use. "I'm so sorry...this is all my fault, now you're gonna die...all because of me-" Wait! No, Monokuma had said so, if she found her before the time limit was up, she would live!

But how? Did she just have to wait here and watch until Komaru was better?! No...that didn't make sense. That damn bear never told her what to do, how could she just figure it out? Touko tried yelling, "I FOUND HER!" Nothing happened. She tried to stand Komaru up, but it was still no use.

Touko started to panic even more. She only had 10 minutes left, and all Komaru was doing was getting worse. Then she got an idea, a crazy one. One that Komaru would hate her for, even if it did end up saving her life. Unsure of what else to do, Touko leaned down, facing Komaru, then lunged forward and kissed her.

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