Chapter 7

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0:20:55, time was running out. Touko became more and more stressed by the minute. Consequences and issues flowing through her mind. She felt herself start to cry. "No! Screw that, if I don't find Komaru by the end of today...she'll die." That only made her cry more. She slapped herself. "Stop crying, don't cry, everything will be fine, you'll find Komaru and she'll be safe, that's what's important."

No matter how hard Touko tried though, the possibility of her best friend dying was too much to live with. Her racing heart picked up its pace a little, almost as if someone, or something, was...following her. Her speed walk turned into a run as she jolted around suddenly and fell silent.

Touko gulped and looked up. There, inches away from her, was a huge Monokuma with an eerie glowing red light shining down. She ran, the Monobear did nothing but stare at her. Where the hell did that come from?! It's gonna kill me! Even with Syo, it'd be tough to illuminate, so all Touko did was run.

Once Touko was sure she was far enough away, she glanced back behind her, the Monokuma was gone. She took a deep breath. Damn, that was close, I'm lucky to even be alive. "I have a feeling it's still there..." Touko whipped around, but there was nothing. She still kept her gaze, looking back every few minutes.

Toukos time limit watch now read 0:20:37. Her heart skipped a beat. "Crap...I have to get moving." She kept down the same path she'd been going on before, still turning around every now and then to check if the Monobear had returned.

Then, just so suddenly, Touko had a thought. What if I were to die? She kept along the same path, thinking all the while to herself. What if I did die though? She climbed to the top of a nearby building, mostly broken down but good enough still. She leaned forward, but stopped suddenly. Would it prevent Komaru from dying? Should I... Well, I mean, what if she ended up dying anyway, though, because I had died. No matter what...if she dies it'll be all my fault. So I have to find her, it's the only way. "Dammit, Komaru! I'm coming for you! And I swear I'll find you no matter what!" She yelled into the sky at no one, well, technically not no one. Touko wasn't really one to make promises, and she didn't know how to be sentimental. But she wanted to make that promise to save her friend and stay by her side no matter what came their way.

"Crap, I could've just given my position away to that Monokuma..." Touko jolted behind herself once more, and when she saw there was nothing, she climbed down and gazed off into the distance, determined, swearing on her life she'd find Komaru. For once in her life, she had to believe in herself.

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