Chapter 16

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It had been 3 days since Touko and Komaru had escaped. They couldn't go back to their old home, since it had been destroyed by Monokumas and all. So they had just freely been sleeping inside old buildings and eating whatever leftover restaurant food they could scavenge. To sum things up, they were pretty much homeless at the time being.

"Komaru," Touko began. "What if Monaca finds us? She'll be pissed!" Komaru shrugged and but into a sushi roll. "I doubt she'll find us at this point." Touko still looked worried; but she shrugged it off as well. They found an abandoned building as usual to sleep in that night and drifted off before either of them knew it.

Looks like I've found you! How dare you try to escape? Well, not on my watch. Monaca's voice echoed through the dream realms of Touko's mind. She awoke with a start. "Komaru?" She looked around the small, dark room she was in. Her heart started racing. I remember this room.

"Good morning!" Monaca's chipper voice echoed through the walls of the dark room for real this time as her smiling face appeared on the screen. So that dream must not have been just a dream... "I see you tried to escape! Well, glad I found you! Anyway, if you're looking for your girlfriend, she's passed out in the other room. Touko blushed to her ears. "G-girlfriend? And you can't do this to us! We've already been separated before! You even agreed to not split us up again as long as we played your little game!"

Monaca nodded her head. "Ah, but you stopped playing the game when you escaped." A devious grin appeared on her face that went from ear to ear. "You two will only try to plan something when put together, so I've found the solution." Touko spoke up, "That's right! We work well together, so even if you try and separate us, we'll always think of something to defy you!" Monaca just blandly ignored her little speech and left without warning.

"H-hey wait! You can't just leave me here! Where's Komaru? What am I supposed to do?" Touko knew from earlier experience that kicking and screaming wouldn't help, so she curled up into her knees and cried. Monaca returned for a split second. "You'll find a way to defy me, huh? Well, we'll see about that."

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