Chapter 11

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(Aaa sorry it's been forever! I will be continuing this even if I take a while)

Touko and Komaru were taken to yet another dark room. "Dammit! Komaru, where are you?" "Right here!" Neither could see anything. "Where's 'right here'?" Komaru felt around for a light switch or something, and Touko did the same. But the two ended up grabbing each other's faces instead. Komaru felt her chest warm up. Touko squeaked and backed away.

"Hee hee! You two having fun?" The girls whipped around, but no one was there. The beckoning calls continued. "Welcome to the ultimate obstacle course! Beat this in half an hour, and you've got yourself a one way ticket to the next challenge!" Touko and Komaru yelped as the floor beneath them lowered into a larger, lit up room.

Monaca stood in the center on a raised platform, fingers wrapped around a microphone. Their eyes widened as they witnessed every obstacle in front of them. Monaca giggled. "That's right! I'm talking blades, flames, typeropes you can barely see, anything dangerous you can imagine!" A menacing grin spread across her face. "All you have to do is make it to the the finish line in half an hour, if you don't, you'll be brought to the torture room, on the left." Monaca gestured to her left.

It made Touko and Komaru almost sick to their stomachs. A room with freshly bloodstained walls and torture devices of all kinds stood in front of them. They looked to their right to see where the freshly stained blood was coming from. An innocent pedestrian had been cut all over and hung from the ceiling of the room. Touko gagged and fainted, but shortly Monaca's loud and obnoxious voice brought her back.

"Walk over to the start and signal when you're ready!" Komaru helped Touko up, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the start with her. Touko's face was beet red, and once Komaru saw what she was doing, she pulled her hand away and blushed profusely. They stood in awkward silence together, sneaking glances of each other every once in a while and looking away again. Monaca rudely interrupted. "Hey, love birds! We're about to start!" The girls looked at each other and nodded, a signal to show that they had each other's backs. "On your mark, get ready, start!"

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