Chapter 20

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I originally wasn't gonna continue this bc it sucks ass but since a lot of people seem to like it and are requesting updates, I will :)
@ my irls if you see this no you don't

Komaru was shoved into the dark closet immediately. "Monaca's mini game?"

"That's right!" The little girl appeared out of nowhere, a spotlight shining brightly onto her.

"What the hell is this?" Komaru pulled herself forward, searching her surroundings. Her hands led themselves to a large button.

Monaca was getting a little impatient. "Hey, don't touch that! Wait until I'm done talking, or your little girlfriend here gets the ax!"

Komaru blushed. "Would you quit calling her my girlfriend?! What do you mean? I don't see any ax."

The green-haired girl rolled her eyes. "It's a metaphor, you idiot." She moved the spotlight to shine on Touko, who was writhing furiously against a wall that she was handcuffed against.

"Touko!" Komaru gasped and leapt forward, only to be pushed violently onto her back.

"Don't move!" Monaca cleared he throat. "Komaru, if you wanna save her, you have to pass this test. Every time you have the answer, push that button. But beware, because each question you get wrong will only cause her an immense amount of pain. And you wouldn't want that, right? Well...I would!"

Komaru clenched her fists. "Ugh, whatever, just start the game already! I got this."

Monaca chuckled. "I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you, but suit yourself. Okay everyone, let's begin! Komaru, what's my favorite color?"

"What the hell?" She hit the big button. "" She found the question to be a bit odd, and honestly too easy. Then again, Monaca was just a kid.

"Correct!" Monaca shouted, as green streamers floated down from the ceiling.

So she can pull that off, but she couldn't think of a better question? Komaru scoffed. This would be even easier than she thought.

Or would it?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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