Chapter 4

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Komaru ran and ran until she couldn't run anymore. "TOUKOOOO," she yelled, stopping to take a breath and sitting down to rest. "T-Touko..." she coughed, weaker this time. "Can you...hear me?" Komaru coughed again, pulling herself back up. "I can't stop, I have to keep going, Touko could be hurt...or worse..."

Night fell, but Komaru kept going. Eventually, her eyelids began to shut and she slowed down. "Keep...going..." she yawned, collapsing under an old, torn down apartment roof.


"Komaru?!" She steadily opened her eyes. "Komaru, what the hell are you doing-"
Komaru woke, blood splattered on her hands and skirt. Her eyes expanded as she looked to her right, where a girl she recognized was laying dead on the ground, a small dagger stabbed into her chest. A wave of worry washed over her. "AAAAH! TOUKO, TOUKO WAKE UP!" She tried to shake her awake, but nothing happened. She felt her eyes turn damp, staring at her deceased friend.

Komaru snapped awake in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. She glanced around, no blood or weapons or anything near her. "A was only a dream..." she sighed in relief and stood up.

"That was probably the third most uncomfortable place I've ever slept in", she stretched her back, achy from sleeping on a broken concrete floor. Her stomach grumbled loudly. "Damn, I need food." Komaru shook her head. How could I be thinking of food at a time like this?! "What I need to focus on is finding Touko, I can get food any other time." Her stomach growled again, louder. "Even though I haven't eaten anything for two days..."

Komaru set off in the same direction she'd started going the day before, in search of her friend. "I will find Touko...even if it kills me...unless..." She paused, refusing to piece together the rest of that thought. She doubted it, and hoped it wasn't true. "Unless she's already dead."

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