Doing The Project Together

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Zane POV

Kawaii chan and I wnet to are lockers to grab are stuff and Started to leave the School Because are house was not that far from the School we did not have to walk so far. My arm was hurting a lot but I not to worry about it "Ow"! Ah! Zane kun are you okay" ya i'm fine it just my arm" here let me help" we stop by a bench so we sat down and Kawaii chan looked thou her beg when she poled out a icepack she put that on my arm "ow!" oh sorry Zane kun did kawaii chan hurt you" n -no it just some times when you put some thing on it or touch it then it Starts to hurt" oh well just hold that there until we get to your house" okay" we Started to walk again when we got to Zane house.

Kawaii chan POv

We got to Zane's house Zane opined the door to see his mom standing there "Zuzu are you okay"  she said looking at Zane and did she just call him Zuzu aw that's so cute "Mom" Zane said blushing embarrassed "oh and who may you be are you Zane's girlfriend and you are a meif'wa!" mom no we are just friends she is my partner for a project" oh okay well if you need any thing then call" okay Thanks mom" we walked up stares and walked in a room that's is Zane's room. His room was black he had a shelf of my little horsies he looked at them then looked at me and Started to blush "ummmm" Does Zane kun like my little don't worry your Secret Safe With Kawaii Chan can kawaii chan tell you some thing I like my little horsies to so don't worry" we should work now" oh yes" - time skipped- after a while we stop "are you hungry kawaii chan? Ya" lets go and get some thing" sure! " we walked down stares and sow Garreth and Zane's mom talking.

Here you go hope you like it so the project they are doing is a animal themed where you make a game for your animal Zane's pet is a hamster named fuzz ball! Funny fact my hamster is fuzz ball well he was my hamster until he die but i need to move on *Start's to cry* no i'm fine but here you go guys

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