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Kawaii chan POV

We where all talking to Aaron kun, Aphmau senpai and Zane kun when the bell rang "okay class time for lunch"  so we all went to the lockers to grab are lunch when Zane was right beside me " Oh hi Zane kun so your lockers is next to my"  yep"! Okay do you have you lunch? Zane kun " no I have some lunch money" oh well if you need more money then you can ask me" really?" yep" Thanks kawaii chan" I gave Zane kun a big hug then said " lets go and eat Zane kun" okay" so we walk to the cafeteria when we sow Gene coming this way "Kawaii chan stay but I.... Don't um want you hurt"  did Zane kun just say he dues not want me hurt "Zane kun i'm a ca-"  some one cut me off Gene"! Go a way" but I want to see my girl friend"(^_-)  I'm not your girl Friend and don't evey wink at me beside I have a boy Friend" I lid "Oh really then who is he is it Zane"? Zane looked at Gene" why would I be her boyfriend we gut meet to day and you gut meet her Today to so BACK OFF! Zane kun is Amazing he trying to protect me he was the shy one but when some is mean to his Friends then he is mad "oh Zane has a voice wow never knew he has one" then Gene went up to Zane a pushed Zane it to the wall and he fell down "GENE STOP NO!" I yelled at him "NO!" I was so done I got down in to my cat precision and I hiss at Gene he look over to me then stop hurting Zane "what are you going to do kitty" Leave him alone now "never!"  I was about to leap at him when Aphmau senpai came and stop me "Kawaii chan stop the principal is here" I was about to say some thing when I fell to the grown and evey think was dark.

Bully! Is this chapter hope you guys like it the!(^o^)

Zane chan Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang