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Daryl's POV~

     I slowly walk through the basement as I finish searching each room. I hear something upstairs again and it sounds like it's comin down the stairs. I raise my crossbow ready to shoot what I assume is a walker. 3, 2, 1. The walker  is at the bottom when a loud scream breaks the silence. A young girl comes around the corner with a baseball bat and swings at me. She stops inches from my side when she sees I'm a person.

    She slowly lowers her bat and places it on the ground. "Don't shoot! Please, I beg you," she puts her hands in the air surrendering. I shine my flashlight at her making her cover her eyes.

    "I'm not going to shoot you," I point my crossbow toward the ground  and find out more about the girl and why she's alone. I decide to take her with me to the farm. I can't just leave her here by herself, especially after her scream attracted some walkers over to the house. She seems confused when I said walkers, but I explained them to her and she seems to understand. Devore tells me she has supplies and leads me upstairs. She has a whole bunch of medical and camping supplies along with some clothes, food, and weapons sitting on her dining table. She packs up her supplies in two backpacks and a tote. I grab a bag to carry as she grabs car keys and two small canisters of gas before handing me one of each and informing me about the car. She looks just about done packing so I start heading back to the basement. She tells me she has to grab something from upstairs. When she comes back down she shoves a journal into her bag and grabs the rest of her things. We're finally ready to head out and go out through the sliding door I came in from. We sneak along the house and I look back at Devore signal towards the woods. She nods and I move forward and get ready to run across. I'm seconds from going when two walkers come staggering around the corner. I walk backwards so I can have more time to get my knife out. I hurry and stab each of the walkers in the head, trying to attract as little attention to Devore and me. After I finish killing the walkers I look back at Devore to make sure she's okay. She's standing still with tears streaming down her face. I wonder if it was the first time she saw walkers up close or if she's never seen one been killed before. Maybe she recognized them, but I don't have time to ask right now. I make sure she's okay before leading her into a semi hidden area in the woods. I watch her house's driveway for an opportunity to get to the cars. We wait a couple minutes for things to clear up, but there's still a couple walkers lingering and I figure there's no better time to go then now. I tell Devore the plan and we run up the hill and to the cars quickly unlocking them and getting in. I put my crossbow in the passenger seat and the backpack and gas can in the back. I put the keys into the ignition and pause. "Please work," I think to myself and turn the keys. The car roars to life and I start pulling out of the driveway. Devore slowly pulls out after me and follows me out of the culdesac. We drive along the highway for about 15 minutes before I see a huge herd of walkers about 500 feet ahead of us. They aren't walking towards us so that's good. I pull over into the grass on the right side of the road and look in the rear view mirror to make sure Devore does the same. I watch her pull off to the side and see something in the background. Shit. It's another herd coming our way. They must have been separated from the crowd ahead of us. I can't lead them to the farm so we'll have to camp out until they pass by. I turn off the car and grab my crossbow before getting out of the car.

Devore's POV~

    We have been driving for around 15-20 minutes now and my car still has about half a tank. It's never been so peaceful driving on along this highway, it almost makes me forget the whole apocalypse thing. That is until Daryl pulls off to the right side of the road and I can see what's up ahead. Walkers. A whole lot of them too. I quickly slow my car and pull over behind Daryl. Pulling my gun from the back, I get out of the car and walk over to Daryl who is crouching between the cars. He gently pulls on my arm to get me to crouch and points behind us. There is a another herd of walkers and they're heading our way.

   "We'll have to camp out here until all of  them pass. We'll get trapped if we try to go anywhere right now." Daryl tells me and looks into the woods. To bad we didn't have room for the tent, it would really come in handy right now.

     "Okay, do we just leave the supplies in the car?" I ask, looking at the group of walkers heading in our direction.

     "Not everythin, we'll take all we need and leave the rest incase we have to leave quickly." Daryl stands up, trying to stay lower than the top of the car and  opens the right side door to sort through supplies. I do the same, but very carefully open my door because it likes to stick and I don't want to draw attention to us. I grab the backpack with my journal and the food, medical, and camping supplies along with the tote bag so we have some clothes and a blanket to keep us warm. Food wise, who knows how long it will take for the walkers to move on so it's better to be prepared. Daryl must have the bag with the weapons and some of my things. I close my door as silently as I can and go to where Daryl is waiting patiently. I notice that he left my personal items and over half of the knives and a couple of guns in his car. We make sure there are no walkers close by and run into the woods. I follow Daryl as he finds a spot for us to camp out. Looking up I realize the sun is already starting to set and I start to feel uneasy. Have I mentioned I hate the dark?

Broken Arrows (Daryl Dixon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora