Walking Dead Quote of the Day:
"If you want to live, you have to become strong."
-Carol Peletier
      *Warning, this chapter gets sad*

Devore's POV~

    After taking a deep breath I start. "It started out as just a normal day when it all started. My parents and I were getting ready to go to a neighborhood bonfire. Our neighborhood had many barbecues and bonfires because we were all friends. Everyone got along. My best friends, Ardyne and Weylyn, were going to come over soon so they could help me plan what to wear. A silly teenager thing that happened all the time. We were so excited for this specific bonfire because it signified that it was officially summer, for months we talked about it. The sun was starting to set meaning that we would be leaving in about 30 minutes and Ardyne and Weylyn would be here in 15. I went up to my room while I waited and climbed onto the roof to watch the sun go down. The peaceful chirping of crickets I enjoyed was suddenly interrupted by a scream and yelling coming from inside my house. The scream itself honestly made me jump out of my skin. It sounded almost bloodcurdling making me dash out of my room. I got to the top of the stairs and I couldn't believe the scene ahead of me. There were three strange men and a woman wearing damaged military clothes standing in the entryway with guns. My father was on the ground kneeling with his hands up and one of the men was holding my mother with a knife up to her throat." I stop for a minute gaining back some of my composure.

    " 'Hands up and get down on ground,' the woman demanded, pointing a pistol at me. It was if she was practically spitting venom. I didn't move for minute and looked at my parents, disbelief all over my face. They looked at me pleadingly and I slowly lowered myself to the ground with my hands in the air. One of the men walked up the stairs shoved the gun in my face and grabbed my hair, dragging me down the stairs. The man's hold on my hair made me wince and my father started struggling to stand. As I got to the bottom of the stairs the man standing behind him flipped his rifle and slammed it against my father's head. He was unconscious after that and my mother's sobs got louder. I wanted so badly to go to her side and comfort her and check on my father but I was stuck. The man still had my hair twisted in his hand and his gun was still pointing at my head.  I could see the knife's blade starting to dig into my mother's throat and I had to think fast.
    'We'll give you whatever you want just please, let us go.' I begged, but it didn't even seem to faze them. Tears streamed down my face as the night I couldn't wait to come turned into a nightmare.
    'We don't want your money or belongings. It's useless now that the world is falling apart,' The man behind my father told me. 'We've come to cleanse all the impurities out of the world.' My mother and I gave each other looks. We didn't know what they were talking about and why they were threatening us. The men and woman started whispering between themselves almost like they were arguing. I couldn't make out much but I heard them talking about something hearing us so they need to hurry. My dad started becoming conscious again and the man behind him yanked him to his feet.
    'Get them out on the side porch. We need to hurry and leave. They've already brought too much attention. ' The woman said and we were moved outside. Everything seemed off. The once bursting with life neighborhood was oddly silent. Before my parents and I were pushed to our knees, I looked around. There were fires all around us and bodies on the streets. My mother was on my right side and my father was on my left. I looked at them and they both looked terrified. The men stayed standing behind us and and the woman stood in front. She pulled out a lighter and pack of cigarettes, she lit one and took a long drag. 'Duct tape their wrists behind their backs and we'll get started.' She commanded her associates and each of us were duct taped." I stop speaking and rest my head in my hands. All the horrible memories were threatening to make me breakdown.

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