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Walking Dead Quote of the Day:
"I hereby declare we have spaghetti Tuesdays every Wednesday. First we have to find some spaghetti."
~Hershel Greene 04x05
Daryl's POV~

After talking a bit with Devore she gets up and I start workin on somethin to hold the pan so we can heat up the beans. I find some small, thick branches near me and stick 'em in the ground in six places. Three on each side. I take my knife and whittle a notch in each of the posts. I get up and grab some sticks before crouchin back down by the fire.

"Daryl.." Devore's soft voice breaks the silence.

"What?" I say and look at her. She's starin at somethin in the woods. I squint, tryin to see what she sees from where I'm at. Walkers. I drop the sticks and grab my crossbow off the ground where I last put it. I move over to the backpack with the weapons and quickly unzip it, grabbin two hand guns and hopin they're loaded.

"Devore," I whisper, not wantin to attract the walkers' attention. I hold out one of the guns and Devore takes it.  She checks for ammo and it's seems she at least has a couple bullets. I put the second gun in my pocket and swing my crossbow onto my shoulder before going over to closest tree. Devore walks over and I lock my hands together basically creating a step. She just looks at me and doesn't move.

"Hurry, step on and get up into the tree." I tell her and move my hands lower. She puts one of her feet in my hands. I hold her up until she pulls herself up and sits on the big tree branch up above. It's high enough off the ground where nothin can reach us unless they jump. Last I checked, walkers can't do that. After Devore gets situated on the branch I quickly climb up and sit next to her. Perfect timin. The walkers are just walkin into the clearing now so I put my finger up to my lips to let her know to stay quiet. She nods and looks back at the walkers. Each walker in the clearing stops and looks at the fire. Slowly more and more walkers come into view until there's about 20 or so just standin there. We continue to watch them sittin uncomfortably in the tree. Five minutes pass and none of them move their attention from the fire. Dammit. I've got to think of something otherwise who knows how long we'll be in this tree. I look around me for somethin, anythin to throw. I look up and see a bird's nest restin on a branch above us. I carefully crouch and stand, usin the tree trunk as support. I reach and grab the nest, carefully lowerin myself back onto the branch. Devore looks at the nest in my hands and I nod toward the direction of the highway. There are three eggs restin in the nest and I take them all into my hand. First I chuck the nest towards the highway. It only catches a few walkers' attention and they turn away from the fire. They stare in the direction of the highway, but slowly start going back to the fire. I throw one of the eggs where I threw the nest and the first walkers who noticed the nest turned back around along with about 7 more. Good. I take the second and third eggs and chuck them drawin the rest of the walkers' attention. They slowly make their way out of the clearing and into the woods close to the highway. Hopefully they'll start followin the group on the highway. We wait about another 10 minutes in the tree before I think it is safe to come down. I look at Devore next to me, she's starin in the direction the walkers went. I slowly lower myself down and drop the rest of the way to the ground. Takin my crossbow off my shoulder I put it on the ground and look back at Devore. She turns and slowly starts lowerin herself from the branch. She's a good 5 feet away from the ground, so I help her down the rest of the way.

"Thank you," she tells me and starts walkin toward the fire.

"Welcome," I reply and go back to buildin the stand above the fire. After finishin the stand I put the pan on top and put the beans in the pan. I add more wood to the fire to keep it goin. The only sound tonight is the cracklin of the fire. The beans are done so I look over at Devore expectin her to be sleepin, but instead she is sittin on a tipped over log and writin in a journal. "Dinner's done," she looks up from her writin as I bring her some beans on a plate and a bottle of water.

       She puts her journal to the side and graciously takes the food, "Thank you."

       "Yep," I reply and grab my own water and plate. I walk over and sit next to Devore on the log. I start eatin and lookin around the clearing. My eyes land on her journal and I start to wonder what she was writin. I don't ask though and finish eatin in silence. When we both finish I take the plates and spoons and throw them into the fire. I grab my crossbow before speakin, "I'm going to go back to the highway and check it out. Keep a gun near just incase. Remember only shoot if you need to."

"Okay, how long do you think you'll be gone?" She asks, turnin towards me.

"Probably 10 minutes at most," I reply before walkin into the woods. I walk slower as I get closer to the highway and raise my crossbow just incase. I crouch in the bushes as soon as I reach the highway. The group of walkers that were behind us are still pretty far back and movin very slow. It may even take a couple days to get back to the farm. After scoutin out the situation I start goin back to camp.

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