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"Shit happens."
                    ~Rick Grimes
Devore's POV~

I awake with a jolt. I feel a scream creeping its way up my throat, threatening to make its way out. I wipe the tears from my tired eyes and sit up. I had a nightmare about Dale's death, except there were more than one walker there. My parents were there and so were Ardyne and Weylyn. They were just standing there around Dale as the other walker torn him open. They beckoned first to Dale then to me. I could see the rest of the group as they ran to Dale's body, except they looked transparent and shadowy. When they got to the walkers and Dale, the walkers that used to be my family and friends started to attack them. Daryl went down first. I had tried to run to him, but something was keeping me in place, making me watch as my group was ripped apart. My family was getting killed and there was nothing that I could do about it. After they were all dead I woke up. I'm pretty shaken up by my nightmare so I decide to go out of my tent to calm down. The moon is still shining brightly, but I don't think I that I'll be able to get back asleep anytime soon. It's probably only three in the morning, but I really need to talk to Daryl. The thing that's great about Daryl is that under his gruff exterior, he's really caring and easy to talk to. He's what I could imagine an overprotective older brother being like. I guess that's what he is to me now, ever since I met him he has made sure I was safe and okay. He's my family. Everyone in the group is now. Maybe not Shane because something still doesn't seem right about him. The wind picks up a little so I grab my blanket and tightly wrap it around myself. I make my way to Daryl's tent and gently hit the side.

    "Daryl..," I whisper.

    "Hmm?" Daryl's voice answers back. A few seconds later I see a groggy looking Daryl at the opening of the tent. "What's wrong?" he asks, squinting as he looks at the moon.

    "I had nightmare.." I explain, wrapping the blanket even tighter around me as I look at my surroundings.

    "C'mere," He says, motioning for me to sit down next to him. I carefully climb into his tent and sit next to him. "What was the nightmare about?"

    "Dale's death, except my family and friends were there as walkers. The events unfolded the same, but everyone was different, ghost-like almost. My family and friends, t- they started attacking the group as they ran to Dale. They-," I pause, remembering the horrible details of the nightmare. Tears start streaming down my face as I continue. "They got you first Daryl. They were r-ripping you apart and there was nothing I could do. Something was holding me back as they ripped you all a-apart. I c-couldn't save you or the others." I start sobbing and Daryl pulls me into a hug.

    "Shh." He says gently, but the tears won't stop. "Hey, look at me." He pulls away from the hug to look me in the eyes. "I'm fine. We're fine. Ya don't have to worry about me. Okay?"

    Nodding my head, "Thank you Daryl, but I'll always worry about you because you're my family." I smile at him and he smiles back.

    "Who would of thought Daryl Dixon would have a little sister that would keep him hopeful even when the world is going to shit?" He says before giving me another hug.

    "Who would of thought Daryl Dixon is actually soft under that gruff exterior?" I joke.

    "Shut up." He jokes back, making us both laugh. We sit in a comfortable silence for the next few minutes before I speak again.

    "Well, I don't want to keep you awake, so I'll go back to my tent." I tell him as I stand up.

    "Why don't we go find some wildflowers for Dale's funeral?" Daryl suggests before standing as much as he could.

Broken Arrows (Daryl Dixon)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें