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"If it looks easy, don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you."
                                             ~Lori Grimes
Devore's POV~

The group of walkers that are coming into the clearing is a decent size. They stumble into our camp from none other than the woods near the highway. There's probably 15 or so walkers from what I can see from my spot in the tree.

       "What is it?" Daryl whispers. I forgot that the branch he's on is facing towards the woods on the opposite of side of the clearing.

       "Walkers. About 15 or so coming from near the highway." I respond quietly. If I speak any louder it might notify every single walker of our presence. I'm guessing that if they noticed us in the tree they wouldn't leave us alone until we died or they died. I don't necessarily feel like dying right now so I'm going to keep my mouth shut.  At least the fire isn't burning anymore otherwise that would be a problem. Remember last time walkers were in the clearing and the fire was going? The walkers were distracted by it. They didn't end up leaving for awhile.

"Shit." Daryl responds.

"How are we going to get out of this one?" I whisper nervously as the walkers stumble around the clearing, searching for the source of the noises they heard. Daryl only has about five arrows and if we use our guns it'll attract more and I don't think we'll survive.

"We'll think of something?" Daryl sighs. I understand how he's feeling. Seems like the same things happen everyday. We sit in the tree silently for what seems like hours. The walkers lingered around listlessly. Why won't they just leave already?

"I think I have an idea, but you probably won't like it very much," Daryl whispers to me. "Hand me journal."

"What?!" I reply alarmed. I've spent almost a month documenting what has been going on since the apocalypse started. I gather my journal and start handing it back around the tree. Out of nowhere a loud gunshot rings out, making me drop the journal out of shock. The gunshot was enough to draw the walkers' attention away from us. Not even the falling journal caught their attention after the shot. Weird. This is the second gunshot today. The walkers go in the direction of the shot, leaving us after all. Phew. Again, the gunshot sounded like it came from the direction of the highway. I hope who ever shot those bullets knows what kind of trouble they are asking for.

    "C'mon," Daryl grunts as he lowers himself to the ground, crossbow and all. I pass my things down to Daryl before lowering myself down to. He helps me down and I quickly grab my journal, assessing it for any visible damage from the fall. It looks fine besides the fact that it acquired a few bent pages. I hug it to my chest and close my eyes. This is the main thing that helps me remember what reality is truly like. Daryl stands there giving me a weird look.

    "What? You seem to really like that crossbow of yours. I have my journal." I stick my tongue out at him playfully. We set our stuff down with the rest of our belongings and look at the squirrel that scurried into our camp.

    "Now I'm going to teach you how to shoot a crossbow and make snares." Daryl grabs some string I stuffed in the backpack and part of an old fallen tree near us. I follow him as he walks into the woods, only going about 20 feet. I watch as he sets the old tree log against a tree and hand me his crossbow. He takes an arrow from where they are being held on the crossbow and holds it in his hands. He spends the next few minutes showing me how to load the arrow into the crossbow and aim to get the most accurate shot I can. He carves an X into the old log making a target for me. I raise the crossbows' scope to my eye, lining up the grid with the center of the X. I'm about to pull the trigger when Daryl fixes the way I'm holding the crossbow. After checking my fixed 'posture' I re-align the crossbow and pull the trigger. The arrow flies from the crossbow, hitting the target right on the spot. I lower the crossbow and smile at my success.

    "Damn. You're a better shot then I was when I first started using a crossbow." Daryl says, yanking the arrow from where it is lodged in the wood.

    "Thank you," I reply dramatically, taking a bow. "I'll be signing autographs later."

    "Hey, don't start getting too cocky now, that target wasn't moving." Daryl chuckles.

    "Oh yeah.." I start, my proud smile dimming a bit. "Not like I can ask the walkers nicely to hold still while I attempt to shoot them in the skull."

    "Here, this should help you learn though." Daryl takes the string and wraps it around a smaller piece of wood. He quickly climbs a tree and ties it up so it is hanging about a half of a foot taller than me. Climbing down, he take the wood on the string and makes it swing at a semi- slow pace."Now shoot."

    I reload the crossbow and aim for the swinging piece of wood. When I believe that I have it I pull the trigger. I hear the arrow hit something, but when I look up it wasn't the piece of wood, it was a nearby tree. A look of disappointment washes over my face and I reload the crossbow once again. Daryl makes the piece of wood swing again and I aim. I breathe in before pulling the trigger. This time I didn't hear the arrow hit anything. Not to my surprise the arrow is not anywhere near my target. Looking past the now still piece of wood I notice the brightly colored end of the arrow sticking in an animal. It is somewhat hidden by some brush so I move closer to see what I hit. As I get closer I make out black, white, and grey colorings. Signifying that what I had just killed was a raccoon.

    "Looks like we'll be eating pretty well tonight," Daryl states as he grabs the raccoon from where it was laying on the ground and taking the arrow out.

    He hands me the arrow which is covered in blood, "Thanks.." I take the arrow and start wiping it off on the dead grass.

    "Looks healthy so it should be fine to eat," Daryl says, mainly speaking to himself. "We'll finish this lesson later. Now we need to skin it and cook it properly. You'll be helping me with it." He grabs the rest of the arrows and heads back to the clearing. He seems pretty content with the food we'll soon be having, but I'm not so sure. I've never had anything like it before, but I'm now remembering how hungry I am. Maybe raccoon won't be so bad after all..
AN: Heya, let me know how you're liking the story so far by leaving a comment or a vote :) Angelica1294 and I will soon have a new Walking Dead fanfiction called "Grey Skies" coming soon on Quotev. I will be posting the chapter on here too.

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