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"It's their world. We're just living in it."
            ~Enid Blyton

Devore's POV~

       "Not bad for your first walker even though I did most of the work," Daryl jokes as we continue walking, smiling at me.

       "Oh shut up," I smile back, "Not like you did well with your first walker." I push his shoulder, though he barely moved.

      "Actually I'd say I did just fine. I was able to stab it right away without it being pinned down." Daryl lightly pushes me back. He didn't push me as hard as I pushed him because I moved just about as much as he did. We continue walking slow back to camp and joke as we do. "There are probably more walkers coming." I tell Daryl as part of the clearing comes into sight.

      "Yeah, we should probably wait here just incase." He replies stopping and turning to face the way we came. We wait for awhile before seeing something far away in the woods. Make that a lot of somethings. Daryl and I prepare ourselves to fight for our lives. We look at each other and nod, showing we know what needs to be done. I don't believe any of the walkers have spotted us yet because all of them seem to be looking around obliviously. They are slowly getting closer with every second that passes and I mentally prepare myself for what is about to happen. Out of nowhere a gunshot rings out. It sounds as if I came from the highway. It is loud enough to make all of the walkers turn back in the direction they came from, thank god. Daryl taps my arm and signals for me to follow him back to camp. We silently make our way back. Everything basically looks the same as it was before I left beside the plates are moved and the fire is down to embers. Daryl goes over to the tree and makes a step with his hands. I quickly grab a couple of granola bars and my journal from a backpack before going over to the tree. Daryl just shakes his head. I step on Daryl's hands and he hoists me up before climbing up himself. This time he sits on the opposite side of the trunk. We position ourselves as comfortably as we can on the tree branch and begin to wait. I take one of the granola bars I grabbed and reach behind me, tapping Daryl.

       "Thank you," he says, taking the granola bar.

      "No problem seeing as neither of us got to enjoy the delicious oatmeal I prepared for breakfast." I reply, looking at the two plates of mush below us. I open my granola bar and start writing in my journal for the day. Who knows how long we're going to be stuck in this damn tree, could be until nightfall for all we know. Not long before I start writing my journal entry I hear light snoring from behind me. I can't believe Daryl could fall asleep when he could easily fall out of the tree. I chuckle and go back to my writing. I write for close to an hour, writing down the events of the day so far. I get to the point of right now in my journal entry and close my journal. I lean back against the tree and look at the sky. It's probably only around 3 o' clock right now, time is going by too slow.

"Psst... Daryl," I whisper. I think that he still might be sleeping because his breathing is still deep and even.

"Hmm?.." His gruff voice answers back.

"How much longer do you think we'll have to stay in this tree?" I ask, annoyed from the state of boredom that is starting to come over me.

"Probably another hour or so just to be safe," He replies. I can hear him shift from where he was originally.

      "So was Sophia your daughter?" I ask after a couple minutes. I start getting antsy. Even though I'm almost 16 years old I still have the attention span of a 5 year old. I guess you could say I'm almost the polar opposite of my friends who aren't very energetic all the time. I can do a lot of activities, switching up and staying busy for a whole day. Most of my friends liked to relax and take naps during the day. My parents would always say that it seemed as if they had a young child, not a teenager.

      "Nah, I never saw myself as a person that would have children," he finished in an unsure tone. He sounds as if he probably would have had children eventually, if the world didn't turn for worse. "She's actually Carol and Ed's daughter. Ed was killed by a walker at our last camp. It was overrun and a couple other people also got killed. Ed deserved it though. He treated that little girl and Carol like pieces of shit. They were afraid of him. Each time he even spoke to Carol you could see her cowering like a dog that did something bad. Ed was really the only asshole, besides Merle." Daryl finishes in a saddened tone.

      "Who's Merle?" I question, I can't see Daryl's face, but I think this might be a touchy subject.

"Merle is my older brother. He was at our camp but he went on a run and got left behind." His voice returns back to its normal gruffness.

"What do you mean he got left behind?" I ask. In this world today who knows what being 'left behind' really means.

"Rick, our leader, had just been found stuck inside a tank surrounded by walkers by Glenn. Glenn helped him out and they got into the building where Morales, Jackie, Andrea, T-Dog, and Merle were searching for supplies. They went up to the roof to try to make a plan of how to get out of the building because the walkers were piling up. To shorten things up Merle was being a dick to T-Dog, beating him up and calling him names, so Rick handcuffed him a pipe on the roof. They had to leave and Rick gave T-Dog the key, but he dropped it. Merle was still stuck to that pipe. We went back for him after I got back from a hunt but Merle was gone. All that was left was his hand." Daryl tells me.

      "I'm sorry about your brother." I say apologetically.

      "No, don't be. His hand didn't look like it was torn off, it looked like it he cut it off. We searched the building and found a iron that looked like he used to cauterized it. I still think he's alive out there somewhere." Daryl replies.

"So who's all in your group?" I ask. If I'm going to become a part of their group I might as well learn their names and how many people there are.

"There's, wait. I think I hear something.." Daryl says in a hushed tone. I become silent, listening for the thing that Daryl was talking about. A minute later some walkers come into the clearing from the woods near the highway. Great. Now I'm going to be stuck in this stupid tree for even longer now.

AN: Heya, let me know how you're liking the story so far by leaving a comment or a vote :)

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