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"Life is always a test."
                                        -Hershel Greene
Daryl's POV~

The sun was already up by the time I woke up. Based on where the sun is in the sky, I'm guessing that it is about 7 or 8 o'clock. Devore isn't next to me, but the fire is going. I look around and notice two plates sitting on the log and water bottle near the fire. She must have made breakfast for us and had to use the bathroom or something. I get up and grab a plate, sitting back on the bed to eat. There is oatmeal on the plate, way better than having to eat something we found in the woods if Devore didn't have food supplies. I put a spoonful of the oatmeal in my mouth and almost immediately spit it out. It was cold. Something isn't right. If Devore made the oatmeal then went somewhere into the woods that would mean she's been gone for awhile. I quickly grab my crossbow and a gun, sticking it in my waistband. I observe the clearing and surrounding woods for signs of a trail. I see one that is leading into possibly the worst place at the moment. In the direction of the highway. I quickly head along the visible trail that Devore left searching for signs of other things. Walkers in particular.

"Daryl!" a scream sounds out. I can tell it's Devore and she sounds like she's in distress. I break out into a run and head in the direction of her scream. When I finally see Devore in the woods she is struggling with a walker and it's weight. It's a pretty big one too for someone her size. The walker is basically on top of her and I can see her arms shaking from trying to keep it as far away as possible. The walker is snapping at Devore's face, trying to get to her. I quickly load my crossbow and shoot the walker in the head. It automatically drops and falls limp on Devore. She must be exhausted from fighting because she doesn't move or try to get the walker off of her. I rush over, setting my crossbow down and pull the walker off of Devore. She lays there for a moment then opens her eyes. There is a couple scrapes on her arm, but I can't tell if it was from the walker or something else.

       "Did it scratch you?" I ask almost frantically. I closely examine the wound as if it would help me know for sure.

       "I think I scratched it on the Cherokee roses' thorns when the walker attacked me. I've notice they're real sharp." She starts looking closely at her wounds too.
I let go of her arm and look around the area to see her gun along with a flower on the ground near a tree with a flower hanging off of it. I realize that the flower on the ground and hanging from the tree are Cherokee roses. As I help her up I notice her knife on the ground a couple feet away from where she was laying. Why didn't she kill it? After she's back on her feet she starts dusting herself and I place my foot on the walker's head, pulling the arrow out.

       "Than-," Devore starts as she picks up her knife off the ground.

       "What the hell were you thinking Devore? If I didn't hear you you could have died!" I yell, cutting her off.

      "I-I'm sorry Daryl.. I made breakfast and I heard something in the woods. I went to see what it was and found some wild flowers. I guess I got distracted while getting the Cherokee roses off the tree. I didn't hear it and I dropped my knife so I couldn't do anything." She quickly explains. My face softens when I realize something about her.

       "You haven't killed a walker before have you?" I ask her, starting remember significant parts from our conversation last night.

      "No I haven't, that's the closest I've ever been to one of them..." she trails off.

      "I'm sorry. Remember that girl I asked you about, Sophia, she's been missing for a few days." I look down at my feet before continuing. "We were on the highway searching through cars when a huge herd came through. Most of us were under cars and Sophia thought the coast was clear, but two walkers started going after her. She ran into the woods and Rick, our leader followed her to protect her but she didn't stay put. That's why I've been out here searching. I still have hope that little girl is alive and I can't lose anyone else. God knows where my brother Merle is, where Sophia is, I don't know what I would do if you got lost out here." I reach down and grab Devore's gun and the Cherokee rose, handing them to her before getting the last flower off the tree. I look at the flower for a minute before speaking. "I don't want anymore flowers blooming for people I care about." I hand her the last flower and start heading back to the clearing with Devore close behind me.

      "I want to help you find Sophia." She tells me.

       "First things first, I need to teach you how to properly kill a walker so you don't almost get killed." I turn and give her a lighthearted smile, trying to lighten the mood after yelling at her. I stop in my tracks when I hear cracking of twigs and groaning. "Get behind me and get your knife out," I whisper to Devore. She listens and quickly does what I say. "Now if I get hurt or are unable to help you, stab the walkers in the head and only the head. They aren't like people. If you stab them in chest or anywhere else you could end up part of their meal." I inform her and she nods. We get prepared for what's about to come towards us in the woods. I only hope she's ready to do this on her own if I can't.

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