Warning: This chapter may have content that is triggering to some. Read at own discretion.
"You better watch your mouth sunshine."
                         ~Daryl Dixon

Devore's POV~

    When I wake up, I actually feel kind of good. That is--until I remember the events of yesterday. Lori died, Rick is still out doing God knows what, T-Dog died, Carol died, and Carl seems different. I sit in bed thinking until Beth comes into the cell to let me know that we are eating breakfast. Grabbing my gun and knife, follow her and we join the rest of the group, talking quietly as we eat. Beth already finished with her breakfast so she is holding "Little Ass-Kicker", the baby.

    "Everybody okay?" A voice speaks. Looking up, I see Rick at the cell door.

    "Yeah, we are." Maggie answers quietly.

    "What about you?" Questions Hershel. Rick looks okay, he seems to have changed his clothes and he has no blood or dirt on him.

    "I cleared out the boiler block." He informs us, motioning in the direction of the block. I look back at everyone sitting at the table and they look around with slight looks of surprise and disbelief.

    "How many were there?" Daryl asks.

    "I don't know. A dozen, two dozen. I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl." Rick replies, patting Carl on the back. Carl seems stiff and doesn't reply, he just continues eating silently.

    "Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies. Okay? You don't have to." Glenn interjects, turning in his seat to look Rick in the eyes.

    "No, I do. Everyone have a gun and a knife?" Rick asks Daryl. He seems to have become Rick's second in charge, another leader for the group. We came together after Rick went off and decided that everyone needs to keep some sort of a weapon with them at all times. I always bring my knife and gun--just incase, and Daryl always carries around his crossbow. Everyone else has a weapon they either found or are comfortable using.

    "Yeah. We're runnin' low on ammo though." Daryl informs him before shoveling another spoonful of his breakfast into his mouth.

    "Maggie, Devore, and I were planning on making a run this afternoon. Found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula." Glenn informs Rick. I nod my head as to show that seems about right.

    "We cleared out the generator room. Axel's there tryin' to fix it incase of emergency. We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well." Daryl tells Rick.

    "Good. Good." Rick replies, almost awkwardly, before leaving us to finish eating. When Daryl, Oscar, Carl, and I finish, we leave the group to do the sweep of the lower floors. From the look of it, everything seems clear for the most part, except for a single room. The door is moving slightly, but there is a walker laying in the way so it can't open all of the way.

    "We'll take care of it on the way back." Daryl tells us. I'm between Oscar and Daryl, who is standing by Carl. Daryl whistles to get Carl's attention. "C'mon." Carl goes a separate direction with Daryl and I follow behind Oscar to give him backup if he needs it. Once we know that this section of the level is clear, Oscar and I catch up to Daryl and Carl. We aren't done clearing this level, but they decide walk me back to my cell so I can leave with Glenn and Maggie. Once there, I go into my cell and throw a few things into a bag before going back out. Daryl stops me right before I step out of my cell.

    "Hey, this basically your first run. Be careful, ya hear me?" Daryl says. "Ya look out for yourself, Glenn and Maggie. Ya listen to them too, they've done this before."

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