"Anger makes you stupid, stupid gets you killed."

Devore's POV~

    I think that everyone rested easier last night, you can see it on their faces as they wake up. Once everyone is awake, we cook a few squirrels that Daryl shot earlier this morning. It isn't the greatest tasting thing ever, but it helps with stopping some of the growling in my stomach. During breakfast, Rick fills us in on his plan for infiltrating the prison. Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, T-Dog, and Rick are the ones that are going to go in first while the rest of us stay on the other side of the fence. We are going to try to draw the walkers over to the fence so we can kill them. When the group is ready, we open the fence and the five go into the prison yard, standing in a tight formation. They kill walkers as they come, being as careful as they can to not step out of formation. As they are making their way through, we yell and bang on the fences, trying to get the walkers to notice us instead. Some walkers come to us, but most of them are attracted to the group inside. We watch anxiously as they kill all the walkers in the main area, but soon they are out of sight. We can only hear some distant talking and the sound of the walkers. For a few nerve-wracking minutes, we wait for sight of the others. Slowly, their talking gets louder and they come into sight. The nervous tension in the air automatically goes down. They wait fir them to come tell us what's next, but they end up going into the prison instead. We wait ten minutes or so, listening for screams or gunshots, but nothing comes meaning they are hopefully okay. Glenn and Maggie end up coming back outside to tell us that it is safe to go in. We quickly gather up our supplies and follow Glenn into the prison. Rick is walking down stairs that lead to cells when we get into the cell block.

    "What do you think?" Rick asks as he gets on our level.

    "Home sweet home." Glenn mutters as we walking single file past the threshold.

    "For the time being." Rick replies.

"It's secure?" Lori questions, looking around.

"This cellblock is." Rick tells her.

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel adds.

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria and infirmary." Rick informs us.

"We sleep in the cells?" Beth asks.

"I found some keys on some guards. Daryl has set, too." Rick tells us.

"I ain't sleepin' in no cage. I'll take the perch." Daryl says before going straight to the perch.

Everyone starts moving now, heading to separate cells alone or with another person. Carol and Lori go to one cell, Maggie and Glenn to another, and Beth and I go to a different cell. Carl ends up following us to our cell.

"Pretty gross." Beth states as we walk into the cell. I throw my stuff up onto the top bunk and hop up, swinging my legs over the edge while Beth sits on the bottom bunk.

"Yeah, remember the storage units?" Carl asks us. He just stands in the doorway, holding his gun.

"It's actually- it's actually comfortable." Beth says, laying down. "Check it out." Carl reaches up and feels my mattress. They are pretty comfortable considering where we've been sleeping lately.

"You find your cell yet?" Hershel questions Carl. He's probably just checking in on Beth and I.

"Yeah, I was just making sure Beth and Devore were safe. See you guys tomorrow." Carl tells us before leaving the cell.

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