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"I know it sucks and it's scary but it's time to be brave."
~Tara Chambler
Daryl's POV~

    "So, ready to learn how to properly cook a coon?" I ask, looking at the ground so I don't trip. I look up as I get into the dusty clearing. Devore is sitting on the ground with her eyes tightly closed and her arms around her knees. She looks up at me with wide eyes before running over to me and hugging me.

"Daryl.." she whimpers.

"Hey, hey, hey," I say, hugging her back. "What's wrong?" I gently grab her shoulders, pushing her back far enough so I can see her face.

"I heard the gunshots and I didn't know if it was you. I thought you were getting attacked and I couldn't do anything to save you.." She replies quickly.

"I'm fine. The gunshots came from somewhere across the highway. It drew the whole group of walkers off the highway. Whoever shot those guns were far enough away from the highway that we should be able to get past that section of the highway and get to the farm." I assure her.

    "Okay.. I was just worried. I can't lose anyone else, not right now." She responds, hugging me one last time.

    "I know kid. You've been through way more than you should've at this age. Hell, in your life." I hug her back. I've been through some tough things in my life, but I didn't have to witness my father being ripped into by a walker and my parents being tortured. We stop hugging and I give Devore a lighthearted smile. "C'mon. That 'coon isn't going to cook itself." Devore smiles back at me and we go back to starting the fire.
Rick's POV~

    T-Dog and I went out a couple of hours ago to see if Daryl was anywhere close to the farm or if there were any definite signs he was still alive. There was nothing right around the farm so we move on. We were heading along the highway before coming across a huge group of walker heading in our direction. We were far enough away that not many noticed our presence. I quickly turned the car around before heading back to the farm in defeat.

    "Those Dixons know how to survive. They're too stubborn to die easily." T-Dog breaks the silence of the drive back.

    "You're right. Maybe he's just out hunting in between looking for Sophia. Probably just found a secure place to stay while he continues looking." I respond, dragging my hand down my face. It's stressful. First Sophia goes missing and then Daryl. Our people seem to be disappearing quicker and quicker as time goes on. When we get back to the farm we break the news to the rest of the group.
Daryl's POV~    

    I have to help her a bit because she can't get the fire to stay lit. I place the pan on the makeshift stand and place the meat in. I let it cook until the meat is cooked throughly. I let the meat cool for a bit before taking a piece out and hold the pan out to Devore. She takes a piece and I place the pan on the ground. I hungrily take a bit out of my piece. Good old 'coon meat. I look a Devore, she's looking at her piece of meat in an odd way.

"Go on.." I tell her and stop eating for a minute.

"Are you sure this is edible?" She questions.

"Yep. Ate this quite a bit when I took my hunting trips." I inform her. I give her a look, signally to her to try it. I continue eating my piece and see Devore hesitantly take a bite. The look on her face tells me she doesn't exactly like it. It does have a taste you kind of have to get used to. I grab another piece of the meat as Devore slowly eats hers. There are still four pieces of meat in the pan so when I finish my second one I grab another. When Devore finishes her first piece I hold out the pan to her and she takes another one. After finishing my last piece I wipe my hands on my pants and grab my water bottle, taking a drink. I hold the pan out to Devore, offering her more food, but she shakes her head no and drinks some of her water. I toss the remaining pieces of meat into the woods. It won't be any good later.

"Pack up," I tell Devore. The sun is starting to get closer to the point where is going to set soon, meaning we need to leave. Devore nods and starts packing her supplies up, making sure they are in the right back packs. I quickly clean the pan out and dry it with a leaf. I bring it over to where Devore is and put it in the backpack. I make sure that all of the weapons are in the bags and put the fire out. Who knows when it will rain next? If this fire gets out of hands it can spread and cause big problems for us overall. After gathering up all of the supplies and we have our keys in hand, we head back to the cars. We put the supplies in the cars and get in each of our cars. Starting up my car, I start leading the way back to the farm and Devore follows close behind. It doesn't take too long to get back to the farm, we arrive at the gate just as the sun is going down. I put the car in park and quickly open the gate, pulling far enough up the dirt road so that both cars can fit before closing the gate behind us. We continue up the dirt road until we start pulling up the driveway. I can see some of the people in our group sitting around the fire and finishing their chores for the day. They stay where they are hesitantly, but quickly come to greet us when they realize it is me. I stop the car and turn it off before jumping out and saying hello to everyone. Everyone is talking all at once, asking where I've been and if I'm okay. They all stop talking as soon as Devore steps out of the car. Rick gives me a questioning look and I look back at Devore before nodding to him. Rick and I walk over to Devore. She stands there silently, almost looking a bit scared.

    "This is Devore," I tell Rick. He gives a small smile and holds out his hand to her.

    "I'm Rick," he tells her as she shakes his hand. He looks at me before asking, "How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?" (A.n.- I know Rick doesn't hear/ use these questions until about a season later but I'm adding it now)

    "Um.." Devore stutters, surprised.

AN: Heya, let me know how you're liking the story so far by leaving a comment or a vote :) Angelica1294 and I will soon have a new Walking Dead fanfiction called "Grey Skies" coming soon on Quotev. I will be posting the chapters on here too.

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