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This is what Daryl is wearing.
Devore's POV~

    The only sound I hear as we get deeper and deeper into the woods is a the cracking of twigs and crunching of leaves. A good sign I hope. Daryl stops in his tracks every couple of minutes to listen making sure there aren't any walkers lurking where we can't see them. After about of a minute we come across a clearing that is shielded from the sun by a covering of branches and leaves.

    "This will do for now," Daryl tells me and walks into the clearing. I follow, setting my bag down on the dusty ground and Daryl does the same.

    "How long do you think we'll have to camp out here?" I ask, kicking at the dust with the tip of my shoe.

    Daryl switches his crossbow to his other shoulder, "Probably a couple days or so. I'll have to check the road later to see if its cleared up any."

    I look back in the direction we came from, "What happens if walkers come when we're sleeping?"

    "I'll keep watch durin the night. If too many come we'll run, not much else we could do in that situation. Shootin 'em would just attract more." Daryl starts taking supplies out of the backpack he was carrying. I kneel in the dust next him and take some clothes out of the tote bag. Daryl gets the small pan out along with a can of beans and two plates and spoons. He places two water bottles next to the rest of the food. "Can you find some rocks while I get some firewood? We'll need the rocks to hide the flames so it doesn't attract the walkers." Daryl stands up and dusts his jeans off.

    "Sure, how big should the rocks be?" I ask him as I put a sweatshirt on over my shirt because it has become unusually chilly. "Here," I reach back into the tote bag and grab one of my dad's old fall jackets and hold it out to Daryl. He takes it from me and hesitantly puts it on.

    "Thanks," he says and looks at the ground, "Just gather some medium sized rocks, but stay close and take your knife. Yell if ya need me."

    "Okay," I make sure my knife is on me and we go to find some supplies. I make my way farther into the woods in search of rocks. I find about 15 rocks before going back to the clearing. Daryl is already there stacking wood in a shallow hole. I slowly bring all 15 rocks over to Daryl and start building a wall around the firewood. 15 rocks aren't enough to finish the wall. It only built about half a wall so I go deeper into the woods to collect more rocks. I find about 15 more and finish building up the wall. By the time I finish Daryl is finding some sticks.

He walks back over to the fire pit and kneels beside it. "Ever start a fire before?" He asks me.

"Not by hand, but I have matches in my backpack." I tell him, pointing at the backpack resting on the ground.

       "C'mon," he pats the ground next to him, making some dust fly up. He spends the next 10 minutes teaching me how to make a fire before I finally get the hang of it. "There ya go, if ya ever get lost you'll be warm."

      "Thank you, for everything. I don't know how much longer I would've survived if you hadn't come along..." I say as I look at him. I haven't really looked at him since he found me. He's got a little bit longer brown hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a tan t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and grey blue jeans. Of course he has his crossbow too, I haven't seen it leave his side once.

      "You're welcome," he replies. I smile and get up to start setting up a bed for the night. Daryl starts working on some sort of contraption to hold the pan so we can cook the beans. There's only one medium sized blanket so we'll have to share. I'm looking through the rest of the clothes left in the tote bag when I swear I hear something in the woods. My head whips in the direction it came from and my eyes strain to see in the almost pitch black night. It's hard to make out, but it looks like some walkers are coming our way through the woods.

      "Daryl.." I say in a low voice as I slowly rise to my feet.

     "What?" He says before looking in the direction I'm staring. He drops what he's doing and grabs his crossbow off the ground next to him. He quickly unzips the backpack with the weapons in it and grabs two hand guns.

     "Devore," Daryl whispers snapping me out of the trance I was in. He's holding a gun out to me and I rush over to him, taking it and quickly making sure it has some ammo. He puts the second gun in his pocket and his crossbow on his shoulder before going over to closest tree. I follow and he locks his hands together, holding them close to the ground. I look at him confused.

     "Hurry, step on and get up in the tree." He tells me. I place one of my feet in his hands and he pushes me up until I can sit on the big tree branch up ahead. It's high enough off the ground where nothing can reach us just by standing there. After I carefully situate myself so I don't fall, Daryl pulls himself up and sits next to me. The walkers are just moving into the clearing now and Daryl puts his finger up to his lips signaling to me to stay quiet. I nod. Each walker in the clearing stops and looks at the fire. Slowly more and more walkers come into view until there's about 20 or so just standing there. Five minutes pass and none of them move. Now what are we going to do?

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