The image above is a quick sketch I did to give you guys an idea of where the burn scars are on Devore's shoulder.
"There's still a life for us. A place. It isn't all death out there, it can't be."
                   ~Rick Grimes
Devore's POV~

    We've been searching for days now, for a place that's safe. We are hungry, dirty, exhausted, but we're still going. I've been 16 for awhile now, although it doesn't really matter. Daryl took me hunting for my birthday though and I got to use his crossbow. I'm getting pretty good at shooting it now. We end up finding a house as we're searching so T-Dog, Daryl, Rick, and Carl go in and clear it of all the walkers. They let us know when it's safe to come in. Lori's pregnancy is advancing quickly so she really needs to rest and get off her feet. I walk in as Maggie and Glenn move a walker off to the side, carrying some supplies. Lori, Beth, and Hershel walk in soon after me also carrying supplies. The house is a little destroyed, but it seems like it might hold up okay if we get in trouble. While we're settling down, I see that Daryl got an owl that he is plucking and Carl is looking for any food in the kitchen. Looking around the group, we all look exactly how we feel. Carl walking into the room carrying a couple cans of dog food, but we're so hungry we don't say anything. When he finishes opening one, Rick picks it up and throws it making Daryl flinch. We don't have much time to do anything because T-Dog notices some walkers coming to the house. We quickly pack up and run out to the cars and drive away. I ride with Daryl again while everyone else is in the cars. Once we are far enough away, we get out of the car so we can look at a map to plan what we are going to do. Rick, Daryl, and I go hunting to try to get more food. We find railroad tracks and walk along them until we see something in a clearing through the trees. A prison. We quickly go back and tell the others and gather up the supplies. We cut through a fence and close it back up again to keep out any walkers. We run until we reach a gate that leads to the gate for the field.   

    "It's perfect. If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight." Rick states.

    Rick says that he will run to close the gate and assigns Maggie, Glenn, Beth, T-Dog, and I to attract walkers over to the other side of the fence and start killing them. He assigns Daryl, Carol, Carl, and Hershel to towers to cover him when he runs. Once everyone's ready we split up and my group run to the fence. We start making noise to attract the walkers and kill them through the fence when they get close enough. Our problem is, when Rick is running, some of the walkers get drawn to him instead of the fence. Rick makes it and get into a guard tower and most of the others shoot to take down the rest of the walker in the field. Everyone is excited and relieved that we found a place to stay. We spend the rest of the day relaxing in the field and when it starts getting dark, we make a fire and cook dinner. We sit side by side in a circle around the fire. I'm sitting in between Hershel and Maggie. Rick keeps circling the perimeter, looking for any breaches he says, but I think he is stressed. Daryl is keeping watch up top a tipped van, so Carol bring him some dinner. When we were killing the walkers, part of the fire poker I was using to stab them with caught on to my shirt and ripped it, exposing most of my burn scars. I've been trying to hide it since, but I know that just about everyone had seen them. The adults spoke about things we could do here at the prison as we ate. When I finished getting all the meat off of the bones, I leaned forward and threw them into the fire. I didn't expect my sudden movement to do much, but it ripped my shirt a little bit more and fully exposed my scars. It was too late though, for sure now everyone had seen them. I quickly sit back and try to regain my composure.

    "What happened to your shoulder Devore?" Carl asks out of curiosity. I shift uncomfortably. I know he wasn't asking about the scar from when I was shot because he already knew it was there.

    "Carl!" Lori scolds him.

    "It's fine Lori. I guess it's time I told guys anyway, plus I think I'm finally ready to tell it." I tell her. I spent the next 20 minutes or so explaining the night my life turned into hell. I told them every detail I shared with Daryl. As I told my story, people had looks of sadness, shock, and worry on their faces. When I finish my story, Maggie sits up and pulls me into her side and holds me. She kisses the top of my head before rubbing my back reassuringly. People in the circle give me warm smiles as we sit there in a comfortable silence.

"Well thank you for telling us your story child. God bless your heart for all that you've been through, but I can see that it has made the strong young woman that is sitting before us today." Hershel tells me with a smile.

"Thank you." I reply, smiling back at him. We sit, taking in the peacefulness for the next few minutes before Hershel breaks the silence.

"Bethy, sing Paddy Reilly for me. I haven't heard that, I think, since your mother was alive."Hershel tells her.

"Daddy, not that one, please." Maggie says softly. Hershel thinks for a minute before speaking again.

"How about The Parting Glass?" Hershel questions.

"No one wants to hear." Beth replies.

"Why not?" Glenn says.

"Okay." Beth replies before singing. While she is singing, you can feel the mood lifting a little. Rick and Carol join us as Maggie joins Beth. We talk a little more before getting ready to sleep. Rick wants to clear out the prison tomorrow, he says that the supplies are probably still in there. Food, weapons, medical supplies. I fall asleep easily knowing that we found a safe place and there are so many people here that care about me.
Heya, let me know how you're liking the story so far by leaving a comment or a vote :)  I hope that not that it's summer and I don't have school and don't work that often that I can update a lot more. I hope you enjoyed!

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