"People in hell want slurpees."
                                        ~Daryl Dixon
Devore's POV~

    Waking up, I realize that I slept very well last night. I didn't feel sore like I felt after sleeping on the hard ground and I actually stayed asleep the whole night. I swing my legs over the edge and drop down onto the floor. The sun is streaming through the windows in the main part of the cell so I wake up Beth before putting my knife and gun in my waistband. Walking out of the cell, we see Carl and Lori sitting on the steps talking. At least he is treating her better now. Beth goes into her dad's cell and I head over to the stairs.

    "Where are the others?" I ask.

    "Outside. They're moving the cars to be ready just incase." Lori informs me.

    "Look! We found crutches for Hershel. We're going to give them to him once he wakes up." Carl tells me excitedly.

    "It's great that you guys found those. I can tell Hershel is ready to get up and at 'em again." I reply. We talk for the next couple minutes until Beth comes out to tell us that Hershel is awake. Lori grabs the crutches and follows Beth into his cell. Carl and I follow close behind and stand in the doorway to give Hershel some room. He tries to quickly get up, but Beth and Lori stop him, telling him to take his time. Slowly, he gets the hang of it and wants to walk around. We head to the C block courtyard and go outside. In the distance I can see cars being moved and Daryl, Glenn, and Rick gathering firewood from outside the prison. They stop what they are doing to watch as Hershel makes his way around.

"Alright Hershel!" Glenn yells before turning to look where Daryl motioned. We walk with Hershel, ready to catch him if he falls.

"You're doing great Daddy." Beth tells him, smiling.

"Ready to race Hershel?" Carl questions.

"Give me another day. I'll take you on." Hershel answers making us chuckle. I see Maggie looking at us, smiling happily as T-Dog and Carol also take notice of Hershel. We all stand there in a comfortable silence. While standing at the back of the group, I hear some sort of shuffling. I turn, expecting to see another member of the group that somehow got behind me, only to see walkers, and a lot of them.

"Carl!" I whisper as loud as I can without attracting to much attention from the walkers. He turns and looks at me, but his attention is almost immediately moved to the dead moving behind us.

"Walkers! Look out!" Cries Carl as he points in their direction. Everyone else turns at his words and gets moving. I see Rick, Glenn, and Daryl start running and Maggie, T-Dog, and Carol rush to us. Hershel and Beth get to the closest fenced in area while Carl, Lori, and I start shooting at the nearest walkers.

"Get out! Get out of there! Now!" I hear Rick yell in the distance, but I can't take my eyes off the walkers. "Lori!" Maggie, T-Dog, and Carol join us in killing the walkers. "Come in here!" Rick yells, but none of us move.

"That gate in open!" T-Dog tells us before he and Carol run toward it.

"Lori! Here!" Maggie yells and Lori pushes Carl and I in front of her. We start running to Maggie and into the barred area near the door. Maggie ushers us inside and Lori quickly shut the door. Maggie is leading us to the cell block when a small group of walkers walk out.

"This way." Maggie says, grabbing my arm and hurrying us in a different direction. We are in the tunnels with Carl leading the way and Lori holding up the back. Suddenly, some alarms start going off in the prison. We get maybe five feet farther before Lori stops.

Broken Arrows (Daryl Dixon)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum