"Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind. "
                    ~Hershel Greene
Devore's POV~

    I followed T-Dog in my car all through the night until sunrise. We are still driving on the highway, a few hours or so after the sun had risen. I'm starting to get tired now, but I don't think we will be stopping anytime for a break. Not to mention that my gas is slowly diminishing. I might pull up next to T-Dog and ask if Lori will drive for me for a bit though. We drive for another ten minutes or so when T-Dog suddenly slams on his brakes. I have to swerve to avoid hitting them. I quickly stop next to the truck and roll down my window, T-Dog does the same.

    "Sorry 'bout that. Lori was close to jumping out." T-Dog apologizes.

    "No problem." I tell him.

    "We're gonna turn around, head back to the highway." He informs me.

    "Alright." I reply before rolling my window up and waiting for T-Dog to lead. He quickly turns around and I follow, hoping that we aren't making the wrong decision. As we are driving, we see Shane's car. We follow it and soon find the rest of the group. Everyone looks like hell. Lots of us have blood on us and you can tell the events from earlier are taking a toll on us. I see Maggie run to her Dad and Beth too. Lori runs to Rick and Carl, crying happily as she does so. As soon as I park, I jump out of my car and run to Daryl's motorcycle where he gives me a big hug. "I was worried that you didn't make it out." I talk into his shoulder.

    "I'm here and we're safe." He assures me. "Where's the rest of us?" He asks the group, releasing me from the hug.

    "We're the only ones who made it so far." Rick informs us.

    "Shane?" Lori asks, standing up. Rick shakes his head, meaning he is dead.

    "Andrea?" Glenn asks.

    "She saved me, then I lost her."Carol tells us.

    "We saw her go down." T-Dog says.

    "Patricia?" Hershel questions.

    I see Beth tense up and grab Maggie's hand, "They got her too, took her right in front of me." Beth starts crying now. "I was- I was holdin' onto her Daddy. She just.." Beth stops and hugs Hershel. "What about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy?"

    "He was in the RV. It got overrun." Rick respond, this makes Beth cry more.

    "You definitely saw Andrea?" Carol asks.

    'There were walkers everywhere." Lori replies.

    "When we were running I lost track of you and Andrea." I told Carol. "I didn't see anyone as I followed T-Dog off the farm.

    "Did you see her?" Carol asks.

    " I'm gonna go back." Daryl states and starts to get back on his bike.

    "No." Rick tells him.

    "We can't just leave her." Daryl replies.

    "We don't even know if she's there." Lori says.

    "She isn't there. She isn't. She's somewhere else or she's dead. There's no way to find her." Rick tells us.

    "So we're not even gonna look for her?" Glenn questions.

    "We gotta keep moving." Rick says. I hear growling and see a walker approaching. "There have been walkers crawling all over here.

    "I say head East." T-Dog states.

    "Stay off the main roads." Daryl adds. "the bigger the road, the more walkers, more assholes like this one. I got him." Daryl takes his crossbow and shoots the approaching walker. Once we are done debating, everyone hugs and talks about how happy we are that we are safe. Soon after we decide to leave, but we aren't taking all of the vehicles. Rick, T-Dog, Carol, Lori, and Carl take the red truck while Hershel, Glenn, Maggie, Beth take Shane's car. Daryl takes his motorcycle and I ride on the back. We drive in a line with Daryl and I leading, Glenn's car following, and Rick's car behind it. We drive for awhile but stop when a car honks it's horn. Everyone gets out of the cars and Rick tells us that his car is running on fumes. Rick says that we will run into town in the morning to get gas, but that means staying in the woods. It's not that warm out, but Lori says that we can make a fire. Others try to make plans to go on runs and to get gas, but Rick tells us that we need to stay together incase something happens, we can't have people left with out a car if there's a herd that come through. We asks what we are going to do if a herd comes through or another group. This question brought Daryl to explain that Randall was dead, but not from a bite. Rick then explains that Jenner told him while they were at the CDC, that everyone carries the infection. I wasn't with the group at the time, but I could tell that it angered some people. Rick walked off and Lori followed hi, leaving the rest of us to converse amongst ourselves. Once Lori and Rick make it back to the group, we make camp in the middle of the stone structure. It soon grows dark and everyone but Rick sits around the campfire. People start questioning Rick's leadership and whether we should leave or not before Rick gets back. Everyone stands up when we hear something in the woods. Rick tells us that Shane was dead because he killed him and that Shane planned to kill him when they were looking for Randall. We become quiet after that, not knowing what to say. We are hoping that no walkers come upon us as we try to sleep tonight.

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