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Aphron was still in a haze as he stalked forward. He wanted someone to comfort him but he knew that no one could, not unless they could bring Koyto back from the dead.

"Oh Aphron I'm so sorry," gasped Frigga as she rushed toward Aphron. Aphron thrust his ears against his head and growled.

"Get away from me," snapped Aphron. He didn't know who this Asgardian coming toward him was and he didn't want her to touch him.

Frigga's eyes softened. "Oh you poor dear." She kept extending her hand and Aphron bolted away with his tail tucked between his legs. He surged down the hallway and slid into his room. He pushed closed the door and locked it. He didn't want anyone in with him, at least not now. Grief washed over him and he leaped onto Loki's bed.

It smelled vaguely of Kroyto since he frequently played with him on Loki's bed because it was so soft. He whimpered and curled into a ball and he felt his body shiver. He wasn't cold but he was distraught in thought. He was wondering if he could have saved his son and and realized that if he had been there he could have.

"I just killed my son because I wasn't there," sobbed Aphron into his paws. "What did I do so wrong that you'd take him away from me?!"

Rage just filled him, a rage he had never felt before. He wasn't sure how to express his rage and there was only one word in his mind that made his rage flare up even more. Morali.

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