Kyro - Pussy, Money, and Weed. I Don't Want/Need A Wifey.

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My Dad and his girlfriend who he has been with for 9 months started to announce something on the dinner table.

"Were Moving" Jessica said, my dad's ting. I hate her, me and my older brother (Jordan) both do. I watched Jordan's face waiting for his reaction he looked at me first.

"Ah wah di rarse bombaclart you mean were moving" He shouted at her, I knew it would be hard for him to leave dese ends, the same with me.

"Don't talk to me like that" Jessica gasped

"Jordan I brought you up with respect, do NOT talk to Jessica like that" Jordan had stood up now and was glaring over the table at Jessica who was clutching my dad's arm. With his fist clenched and everything I knew he was finding it hard to not lose his temper, but then he switched. He has anger problems you see.

"WHAT FUCK! SHUT YOUR MOUTH I WILL TALK TO THIS SKET HOW I FUCKING WANT SHE PROBABLY ONLY WANTS YOU FOR YOUR MONEY, YOU AINT MY MUM ABOUT 'DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT' AM I A PRICK I WILL BOX YOUR FACE" He threw his plate in her direction she dodged it and literally jumped on my Dad. Jordan stormed out the room and seconds later the front door slammed hard casing the photo of my Dad and Jessica to drop to the floor and smash. Jessica starting crying

"Why do you let him talk to me like that Andrew" She cried to my dad. I just got up and went to my room and flopped down on my bed. Ever since my dad got that bitch he's changed I swear down. It's like he don't even remember my mum who died when I was 13 im now 15. She's one of dem proper white women as well. That cockney accent, blonde hair blue eyes and ting the control she has over my dad is nuts. I know my mum was white but she was Italian. Well my names Kyro. Im mixed raced, Jamaican and Italian im tall, got a six pack I work out a lot still. My eyes are hazel and I have dimples. When my mum died me and Jordan switched Sweardown, we turned straight bad breeds but Jordan switched differently he's quickly developed anger problems in a gang, always on street. When my mum died my heart tore in half I swear.

"KYRO IM GOING OUT," My dad shouted then I heard the door shut. I kissed my teeth and sighed, I turned my head so I could see the picture that I had of my mum & dad, Jordan, and me. Then my door opened

"Yeah" I replied, I looked back up to the ceiling. I heard silence I turned and looked then jumped off my bed and stood up. Jessica had come in my room and closed the door and was standing inside, is she nuts?

"Why are you here" I asked trying not to get vex.

"I just wanted to talk to you Kyro about Jordan" She said, trying to sound all innocent.

"Ite" I sat down, she came and sat next to me bare close and ting. I maintained my composure and let her speak.

"He just doesn't seem to like me..." She started

"Yeah coz you act like you're our mum you're not so stop doing that" I snapped cutting her. She nodded and stared at me then started moving closer she put her hand on my thigh and rested her head on my shoulder. I froze. Now im gonna start switching, then she started rubbing my thigh.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I shouted, she jumped and stood up.

"Can't I tou-"


"Bu- but" She stuttered, I drapsed her up by her hair and dragged her out my bloodclart room. After I dashed her out she fell. I slammed my door and kissed my teeth. I sighed sat on my bed and apologized to my mum. I kissed my teeth again and just left the yard first I got a fresh shape up and eyebrow slits then I just went to hit my boy's yard. I rang the doorbell then after a while he opened the door, he opened and spudded me

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