Kyro - Part 17

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Kyro - Part 17


"I don't know what to do Kyro...he's not going to sleep. He's not crying or anything but I've got things to you think if I put him down in his Moses basket he will sleep?"

"I don't fucking know do i? I'm at school init what the fuck do you expect me to do?" He shouted down the phone.

"Jheeze, I was only asking you. I phoned you because you always settle him quickly and I assumed-"

"Well next time, don't fucking assume init" I stayed silent. Why was he acting like a prick for? all I could hear was his heavy breathing through the phone.

" sorry if I annoy you because if I keep phoning you but. I really have tried anything and my mum's gone out and-"

"Fuck sake Imani, im not there I can't always help you. If you can't handle having a yute tell me init, and I'll take him" I gasped. How rude!

"Excuse me. About 'if you can't handle a yute'! I gave birth to him! I know how to handle him...I just have trouble settling him that's all! It's not like he's crying or anything-"

"So why you phoning me then. FUCK OFF!" He hung up the phone. Wow. What a dickhead. I kissed my teeth and slammed my phone down on the coffee table. I walked around the room rocking Jay Jay back and forth, and EVENTUALLY he fell asleep. Recently, he thinks he's a big man and tries fighting his sleep. When he just makes himself cry and ends up falling asleep. I sighed and put him down and started cleaning up the house. I feel like a fucking housewife. I was back at my mum's now, but I get SO lonely during the day. I mean sometimes, Kyro comes over after school...and he's finishing school he should come over more often. But, his company is hardly pleasing. These days he doesn't even say two words to me. But I can't lie. He's a REALLY good dad. Always buying Jahmiah stuff and looking after him, like a real dad should. Suddenly my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I answered

"Yeah Imani..." A smile immediately crept over my face.

"Hey baby! How's work?" He coughed

"I didn't go in today"

"Oh" I thought about it "How comes you didn't come here?"

"We need to talk" He sighed. Oh no...

"About what?"

"Me and you"

"Yeah what's wrong with us...?"

"Come Imani, don't try and hide it. We barely have enough time for each other recently. I've come to my senses. I feel like you're just with me to heal your loss of Kyro. Im not a prick no more, I know you're still in love with him. It hurts me every day to see that when your feelings for him should be disappearing there developing even more, especially because you're trying to hide them. Im sorry I can't take this shit no more; I've been trying for you with so fucking long. Waiting around for you, waiting around for your love, and it just aint happening. Its bait you don't want to be with me so what's the point?" he said, my heart stopped.

"Shamar" I croaked "Please...please don't do this to me" I begged

"Imani, WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT IM JUST GOING TO END UP GETTING HURT" He shouted "My love for you is...too much"

"So why..." I cried "Why are you leaving me"

"Because, you don't love me. You love him. STILL." Was all he said, and then he hung up. I stared at the phone in shock, I tried to call him back but he rejected all my calls. If I texted him, I knew if I texted him he would just delete it so there was no point. We had been arguing a lot lately, but I didn't know he felt like this. I sighed, I felt so angry. Angry towards hurt the most because I knew it was true I got a good man like Shamar and lost him. After all the shit he done to me...why do I still love him?

Kyro - Pussy, Money, and Weed. I Don't Want/Need A Wifey.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum