Kyro - Part 2

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Kyro - New School, New Crew!

"JORDAN, KYRO UP!" my dad shouted, I didn't know if it was in my dream or not so I stayed in bed until someone stormed into my box room.

"I SAID GET UP!" I opened my eyes and my dad was standing there I grunted and mumbled something about getting up in 5 mins then pulled the covers over my head. I felt myself being hauled out of the bed.

"Ahhh" I screamed, Jordan came in my room

"You fucking pussy hole why you screaming down mans ear drums in the morning get out of fucking bed and stop being lazy" I kissed my teeth, then my dad left the room after Jordan did. I went into the bathroom and had a shower and ting. I came out of the bathroom and went into my box- I mean room den my uniform was laid out on the bed. Well only a white shirt and a black jumper with the school logo. I shrugged then creamed my skin and then put it on then my black combats. I looked in the mirror my shape up and eye brow slits were on point so boy. I put in my ear stud then got my Nike side bag and rocked dat at the back then made my way downstairs. Jordan was already down there in his uniform and everything. I went into the kitchen

"Look at you, fucking neek-" BANG!!! I received one hot box to my face from him "Think your bad coz you're in year 11 and im in year 10" I mumbled

"Still getting rude" he said raising his fist to my eye

"Nooo" I opened the cupboard and had some golden nuggets and some greazy tropical juice then I called Jordan

"AY JORDAN" I shouted

"Yooo" he replied walking into the kitchen

"How we getting to school" I asked

"Walking init" I nodded. I got my tings and then we left just before I shut the door my dad came down

"No bad behavior" he said looking directly and Jordan

"Par" I laughed, Jordan screwed me. He handed us both 20bar each.

"Safee" we both said then ducked out.

"Im ready to get some pussy today" Jordan said rubbing his hands together and grinning.

"Skeen" he kissed his teeth and warned me that I had five strikes and if I get rude four more times he will fuck me up and put me in a coma. We got into school; the uniform for the girls was niceeeeeeeee. Tight black skirts showing all backoff. I looked around the playground; man said all I could see was backoff and sexy girls.

"Rah bruv" Jordan said whilst nudging me, some light skin girl came walking past us. HER BACK OFF WAS SWINGING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT SWEARDOWN!!

"Rarted" was all I could even say. We went into the reception and sat down. Even the receptionist was sexy!!! She was doing something on the computer then when she was done she came over to us and was holding a piece of paper

"Hey boys" she said smiling politely "So who's Kyro and who's Jordan"

"Im Jordan" Jordan said, she looked at me

"So your Kyro" she handed me the piece of paper. It read.

New Student Information





She soon came back and passed one to Jordan I peered over and read it

New Student Information


Kyro - Pussy, Money, and Weed. I Don't Want/Need A Wifey.Where stories live. Discover now