Kyro - Part 5

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Kyro part 5

I only ride for the nigga's that ride for me say no more. Fuck dem nigga's dat chat shit behind my back den try spud me. When it comes to raw beef, you always find out who your real nigga's are. The ones that back it straight up no long ting, not the ones that say 'nah low it man im not on it'. I call a lot of man my 'true' dons. Soon I will find out who to continue calling dat and who not to.

My thugs and I rolled up to the park where 'Y.Shanks' and his goons said we should beef. We had about 40 man, 6 dogs, and weapons. The closer we got, the more it sank into my head dat it was definitely not a fucking joke. Looking around I just saw angry faces, clenched jaws and fist. They weren't fucking about, and neither was I. I just wanted to watch Y.Shanks suffer, about he want to try talk tough to me through text. Do I have prick written across my forehead doe? Nah so whys man tryna take me for one.

We finally reached, because it was at night time we got there successfully not clocked by the feds. We were all blacked out with bandannas tied around our mouth so you done kno seh if the police saw us dey would have followed and arrested everyone. Bare shit was going through my mind, I had dat rush of emotions flowing through me. Mainly anger, but im not even gonna lie I was scared. Who the fuck am I to lie to you? I was scared, mainly because something didn't feel right. It's like my mind was telling me something bad was going to happen. I shook it off and tried to ignore it. As soon as we got into the park we soon enough was standing face to face with them. Waiting for someone to blink, I had my target right in front of me. No, I didn't know him. Sounds stupid fighting someone you don't know init? He's an enemy. His eyes were showing deep anger, I wonder if this breh is Y.Shanks cah da way he was eyeing man, rah. Suddenly he blinked, showing a sign of weakness. I got my fist ready; I think he clocked what he had just done coz his facial expression changed. Almost showing fear, I gave him one hard punch to his face. Then everyone broke out fighting dogs were let off the chain baseball bats where flying everywhere. Then suddenly this breh switched and started swinging punching all over me. I swung my foot quickly causing my foot to painfully connect with his ankles; he groaned in pain and clutched his ankle falling to the ground.

"Ay pass me dat" I shouted to Kareem, he threw me the metal baseball bat I was just about to clart him round his head when I heard someone calling me. I looked around kind of confused, and saw some woman standing a little distance away from where we were all fighting. She was wearing all white and seemed to be calling my name. I squinted my eyes trying clock who this woman was and my heart froze. You know when you're so scared and you get them butterflies in your stomach. I got dat badly...this woman looked exactly like my mum, my mother. I stared at her blinking hard with tears forming in my eyes

"Mum" I whispered, even though she was far away she gestured like she could hear me, a slight nod.

"I'll see you soon Kyro" she said, I dropped the baseball bat and started running to where she was. She started to fade away

"MUM" I shouted, tears streaming down my face. I ran she seemed to be getting further away from me, fading even more. "MUM" I dropped to the floor on my knees watching as she completely faded away. I heard a presence behind me, the same boy I was fighting before was holding a baseball bat ready to swing. Before I could even say anything he hit me with it hard around my head. I dropped to the floor holding my head in pain

"TRY FUCK WITH ME AND YOUNGER BLUD" He shouted as he forcefully hit my stomach, I groaned in pain. He started stamping on me and everything. Then I saw a blade flash from the reflection from the moon...

*Flash back - two years ago*

"Kyro you're a good boy aren't you" my mum said as she handed me my daily pocket money

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