Kyro - Part 20

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Kyro - Part 20

I tossed and turned in my bed. I kissed my teeth. It was early in the morning and I was horny man, don't even say anything. I haven't done it in time. I sighed and turned to look at Jahmiah who was in the cot, looking at me. I grinned at him, he started giggling straight away. I stood up and picked him up. I hugged him and held him up the air.

"Daddy's got to drop you back to mummy's today. Daddy needs some pussy. Don't worry when your older you will understand, but for now just keep dribbling and acting like you know what im saying" I grinned and kissed his forehead. I got my GCSE results the other day, I done quite well you know. I got grades ranging from A*-C. I sicked it. I gave Jahmiah a bath and got him ready. Jahmiah was all swaggered out. "You need to tell your mum to stop calling you Jay-Jay fam, it sounds gay" I tutted. Normally his hair is just out in one curly afro, but I didn't want it like that. With deep concentration, I brushed his hair back into a big bush. I made him some breakfast then brought his play pen up to my room with him on my shoulder. I put him in it then got ready myself. When I was ready I put crisp and a bottle of juice on his buggy for him. Man gets frustrated when he don't get them kinda tings. I stuffed some toast into my mouth then left yard.

"Fuck sake" I looked at the countdown again. It has been saying 5 minutes for about 10 days now! I was sitting there and Jahmiah started whinging, I gave him his juice. Then some girl came to the bus stop. She was nice you know, I looked at her closer and clocked it was Kristina.

"Ay" I called after her. She looked at me then smiled "I see the way you come to the bus stop and don't even say hello to me!" She laughed quietly.

"I didn't see you" She came and hugged me. I pulled her onto my lap and sat her exactly where I wanted. I noticed she was staring at Lil Boss Jahmiah. I smiled.

"This is my son, Jahmiah" I said

"Wow..." She whispered quietly "He's really beautiful"

"Er man aint beautiful, as you girls would say. Mans a boomting, beautiful sounds gay" She laughed. "So where you going?"

"Oh home, I just come back from my cousins house."

"So come my yard after I drop Jahmiah init" I on it.

"Erm okay" I nodded and eventually the bus came. I pushed Jahmiah into the pushchair area and then some next old grannies said something.

"Look at that little boy pushing an even littler boy, kids these days have no moral" I looked at them.

"Are you dumb? WHERE'S MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE! I aint no yute! Im old enough to have sex, so man aint no yute! Take your scrawny shrivelled prune up self and go back to drinking tea!" They both shut up and few people where laughing on the bus like seh they knew man. I kissed my teeth and sat down grabbing Kristina on my lap. I was so pissed man, she don't know shit! So why is she talking? When I catch her slipping in her fluffy slippers, say nothing. She was probably born in 1804 man.

"Kyro you're so rude" Kristina laughed

"So" I snapped, she giggled. I tutted and screwed everyone on the bus. The only good thing about the whole journey was that Kristina was warming up my piece. "Come b, this is our stop" I nudged her, she stood up. I went and got Jahmiah; we got off the bus and walked to Imani's house. Kristina was standing all the way by the gate.

"Come here man why you all the way other there" I grabbed her too me. I just noticed how shy she is. I held her waist whilst I waited for the door to open. It opened and it was Shamar. I screwed him, he screwed me back.

"I aint no dickhead, don't come here screwing me" He said. I let go of Kristina.

"You're taking me for a dickhead my yute. Who the fuck do you think you're talking too? Think I won't box you, just coz you're an older" I kissed my teeth. Next thing you know all I see is him coming towards me. It was like some next Tempa T hype ting. DRAPESSS! He drapes me up against the wall. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I shouted, I swung for his face then we just started fighting. I was doing quite considering he was older than me. I've been having private lessons with Marcella's dad you see. Man teaches me kung-fu. "Hi-yah!" I screamed that then fly kicked man in his back. He stood up bare quick and gave me one hard box to my face, I was about to stamp his face out when....

Kyro - Pussy, Money, and Weed. I Don't Want/Need A Wifey.Where stories live. Discover now