Kyro - Part 6

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Kyro part 6

Two weeks later...

Mans out of hospital now, doctor's said I made a quick and good recovery. But they still advise that I don't go to school. There's only one more week anyway till we break up, so there's no point. So, these times im just jamming at yard, better than being at school so every things greez. Well not everything cah Jessica's at yard from 2:00pm onwards it's a piss take trust, because my dad's at work she thinks she has to 'look after me' I don't need looking after im a big man bruv. You know how dodgy she is. Talking about dodgy actually, Jordan is the number one candidate for Captain Dodgy I Sweardown, he don't come home until 11pm. On school days! Then on weekends sometimes man doesn't even come home.

"Blud I will shoot of your fucking head" I shouted at some next zombie breddah trying test me on the game, I blasted of his head "That's what I thought" I smirked. Then randomly my phone started ringing, the caller ID flashed up 'Imani'. I started getting that weird feeling again, I thought all dat shit stopped when she parred me and hung up the phone. I gulped and answered

"Yeah?" I answered

"Um...Hi Kyro" it was bare noisy in the background, I looked at the time. I would normally be at lunch about this time in school now.

"Yeah..." I said trying to keep it cool

"Im sorry about before" she paused "I was being ignorant" don't even know what that means...

"Yeah you was still"

"I should have jumped to conclusions like that"

"Nah you shouldn't have"

"Im sorry"

"Hmm" pretending to be mad at her was easier than I thought...

"So will you forgive me?"

"Yeah" She let out a sigh of relief "Thank you, Kyro I heard what happened, how are you feeling?"

"Im good, only got shanked" she gasped

"Only! Kyro you could of..." I heard her swallow

"Can we stop talking about it?"

"Yeah sorry," she laughed lightly

"It's cool" it was silent for a while. Then I just thought you know what fuck it, you only live once. If I want to this I better do this now before I get shanked again and this time die! "Well what are you saying?" I asked

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what are you saying about me and you" she was silent "You know, im trying to get somewhere with you"

"I don't get it"

"FUCKING HELL MAN I LIKE YOU!" I shouted, shit. That kind of slipped out. I got nervous though waiting for her reply. She was silent for time; I even thought she locked off the phone

"I like you too" she said quietly. I started smiling like a clown.

"So what..."

"Well I don't know, you said you don't normally do girlfriends"

"Well yeah I didn't. But that was before I met you Imani. The way you make me feel... I can't even explain it" I bit my lip kind of feeling embarrassed that I had just opened up to her.

"I know this might sound weird or whatever but I feel the same. I've never really had a proper boyfriend before so I don't really know what liking someone properly feels like but im sure it feels like this. I can't actually stop thinking about you; whenever you're around me you make me feel comfortable. So comfortable that I even have the confidence to say this to you!" mans jaw dropped

Kyro - Pussy, Money, and Weed. I Don't Want/Need A Wifey.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt