Kyro - Part 23

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Kyro - Part 23

I can't believe im about to do this. I held her hands and smiled weakly.

"Marcella, I don't think we're going to work out" I said. Her smile faded from her face and soon turned into a frown.

"WHAT!?" She shouted.

"Sssh, please I just got the twins to sleep" I know what you're thinking, after you turned on that moist tip about 'You love Marcella' your ending it with her. But Devontae knocked some sense into me. He was like 'you only think you love her because you're hurting from your brother's death, and these strong feelings you have got towards her are only because she's given birth to your babies'. If you think about it, it makes sense. So when I had that little break down speech to Jahmiah it was really because somehow Marcella managed to get me gassed up. And I aint a prick, what kind of fool gets with the girl that traps him? Thinking about it could I have been so stupid?


"Can you just calm down please," She took her hands out of mine.

"But you told me you loved me, I thought you meant it?" She sniffed. I looked away and at the floor.

"So did I" I mumbled. "But I realized that-" She suddenly started un-zipping my jeans "What the-" She slipped her hands into my boxers and brought out my piece getting ready to suck it. That's how I know this girl is crazy. I pushed her off of me and stood up pulling up my boxers and jeans. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She began to cry.

"I love you Kyro don't do this to me" I swallowed hard.

"It will be for the best; I don't want our relationship dying out then us both getting hurt. Im doing us both a favour Marcella" She stared at me blankly for a few moments. Then a smirk appeared on her face.

"Fine...You can have them then" She said

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I only got pregnant in the first place to make you love me...and since you don't love me. Take them, they're not my problem anymore" She smiled. My mouth dropped open

"Don't be silly Marcella, you didn't go through that child birth just to-"

"I WENT THROUGH IT FOR YOU!" She screamed. I can't believe I said I loved this psychopathic girl.

"So your leaving me with Tarelle and Nevaeh?"

"Yes" She stood up and wiped her tears.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're crazy?"

"Maybe...once or twice"

"You're being so fucking selfish. I've got one yute already, how the fuck am I supposed to cope with two more by myself?" She shrugged

"Next time don't fuck with a chick like me" She left the left house slamming door hard. I blinked. Was this really happening? I pinched myself.

"Fuck" I muttered

I can't believe it. She had actually left me with them, I waited around for her to come back and tell me that she accepted that I didn't want to be with her anymore, and figure out something so we could both see the twins.

But she didn't come.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" I said to myself out loud. I rubbed my face. It was Jahmiah's 1st birthday tomorrow as well; I can't bring both the twins there! I'm gonna be so fucking broke. Then guess what? Nevaeh started crying, I can tell their cries apart. I sighed and quickly got up to get her before she woke up Tarelle as well. I rocked her back and forth and hushed her but she still didn't stop crying. I tried everything; I changed her, fed her, washed her, burped her, and just held her. Nothing was fucking working, then to top it all off the doorbell rang and Tarelle started crying.

Kyro - Pussy, Money, and Weed. I Don't Want/Need A Wifey.Where stories live. Discover now