Words from the Author:

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I figure it is time to add a little more informality and friendliness to my book.

 My purpose for this book is to provide guidance for people in the hopes of helping them make better decisions that will change their lives!

For anyone who is unaware I do believe in God. I respect your right to believe whatever you like. I also have written this book to be helpful to anyone, even if you believe in God. I will not listen to any argument that God is not real because I have been in many situations were only God was able to bail me out, so to speak.   

As for any who look at my book, specifically those super religious ones, and say you're throwing pearls at the pigs! I will say to you that pigs don't row in the mud looking for treasure or pearls! Also I would refer you to my last chapter, specifically the part about judging others! If someone is in the mud they may have just slipped and need help getting out! Lastly, Winston Churchill once said that "pigs treat us as equals"!

As you may tell I am not religious but I do have beliefs that I ask you to respect them. However, you do not have to agree with my beliefs.

Fair warning I change the order of chapters as I write. I also update old chapters if I think something needs to be added. If you notice mistakes I would be grateful if you point them out.

Well I think that is about it! Feel free to comment, vote, post on my profile and send messages! If you like my book please recommend it to friends/followers! 

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