14 | lost stars

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Yet another lost soul in this starless city.

RIA STARES AT her phone with dead eyes, desperately waiting for Jared or Sophia to call or text her back; waiting for some sort of savior to come swooping in and snatch her from this one-sided celebration of her engagement to Chris

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RIA STARES AT her phone with dead eyes, desperately waiting for Jared or Sophia to call or text her back; waiting for some sort of savior to come swooping in and snatch her from this one-sided celebration of her engagement to Chris. Of all the places he could have possibly chosen, he picked the place where she first met Ashton.

Her heart shrivels up like a raisin in the sun when they pull up to Ostentoso. The massive structure is bustling with guests filing in for the gala. Every woman layered in elegant shawls over their long gowns enters with a man clad in fresh suits by their sides.

"Did you take your medication today?" Chris' bothersome voice breaks her from her melancholy.

"I didn't get to this morning. I was busy and forgot." Dull. Lifeless. Void of emotion. "I'll take it tomorrow."

His grunt is her only response as he finds a parking space near the entrance. "This is your favorite gallery, right?" He glimpses at her as he parks her car.

"Yeah," Ria mumbles and twists her engagement ring around her finger. It's heavy despite its light design. It feels wrong. Like the weight of a million bad decisions resting on her hand.

"You don't seem too excited." There's a stale bitterness in the way he says it like he's offended she's not leaping for joy. "I thought you'd at least thank me for bringing you here."

Ria snaps her head to him and glowers. "I didn't need you to bring me here. You wanted to take me here after rushing me into an engagement."

"Rushing?" he snaps right back. "I thought you would be happy for us. We've been together for years and-"

"And so much has happened between then and now, Chris. Sometimes you're just so clueless." She tightens her shawl around her shoulders and steps out into the cool evening. Without waiting for him, she slams her door shut and makes her way to the grand entrance adorned with lanterns with gentle orange glows.

"Baby, wait," he calls after her.

Ria maintains her annoyed stride and keeps her head straight. As she enters the building, she basks in the warmth and light emitting from the vast lobby. Guest are piled in, already deep into their dances and flirting with the art pieces that hang across the walls.

This is one of her favorite places to be, yet her shoulders tense and pain twists in the pit of her stomach, practically shoving her back towards the entrance. Why do I have to do this? I shouldn't have to. I should break up with him. I want to break up with him.

As she eases through guests, cold fingers find her wrist and pull her back. "Ria, don't be like this." Chris' solid frame presses into her back as he tugs her into him. "We're supposed to be celebrating," he whispers in her hair.

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