20 | unveiling the face of deceit

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I trusted you with everything and you go behind my back and destroy my life.

NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS did Ashton ever fathom that his best friend would keep secrets from him

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NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS did Ashton ever fathom that his best friend would keep secrets from him. Daniel, of all people, is one person that Ashton has trusted for nearly a decade without a doubt. He knows Daniel more than anyone, but there is no ignoring the facts that Ria laid out for him.

His best friend is hiding something and he's about to figure out what.

Ashton climbs the stairs to Daniel's townhouse, whips out his spare key, and unlocks the door. The lights are dim and the familiar aroma of warm cinnamon engulfs his senses. A peek down the hall shows his bathroom light on and the distant patter of water hitting the shower wall fills the silent home.

Sighing, Ashton attempts to ignore the pounding of his heart. He hangs his jacket by the door and straightens out his long-sleeved shirt. What the hell do I even say to him?

Silent wishes for Ria's company flood his mind as he shifts his fingers through his hair. He should have asked her to join him. She seems to be good at these things, confronting people and standing up for herself. Even if she doesn't say anything, her presence alone is enough to give him strength.

Ashton doesn't wait long. Midst his pacing thoughts, the shower stops and the low rumble of Daniel's voice follows. Ashton edges toward the hallway and shoves his hands into his jean pockets.

What to say.
What to say.
What to say...

The bathroom door opens, releasing steam and a man...who is not Daniel. Ashton freezes and he holds his breath as he tries to analyze the stranger. He's significantly smaller and younger like he's barely scratched his twenties. Though what shocks Ashton the most is the loose towel that's wrapped around his slender hips and the soft blush that lingers beneath his deep tan.

The man stares at Ashton with wide eyes and a growing smirk. "Dan didn't tell me we were having a threesome," he purrs and licks his full lips. "How exciting."

Ashton blinks rapidly, still trying to get the cogs moving in his brain. "Wha?"

A second later, Daniel steps out behind the man and the horror that morphs his face tells Ashton everything he needs to know.

"You're gay?" Ashton blurts the first sensible thought that comes to mind.

"Oops." The younger man taps his lips and tilts his head to the side. "Guess this isn't a threesome."

"Ashton," Daniel exhales his name and staggers down the hall with droplets sliding from his flushed skin. Desperation burns in his murky eyes and he begins stuttering incoherent phrases.

Ashton holds his hands up and backs away. "I'm sorry, man. I didn't think you'd have company."

"I'm not gay," Daniel insists as he's a step in front of him. "He's just a...I don't know...he's-"

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