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Hello!! I'm Janessa Paul! My father is Logan Paul. My mother left us when I was really young. I'm 15, my dad is famous, mostly by vlogging. Lydia, my dads assistant, is kinda like my mom.Then there is Brendan.. I go to him if I need to talk with anybody, he's like my uncle. Can't forget about Kong and maverick! I love them both so much. I also have a best friend named Leslie, I've known her all my life.. She sadly doesn't live in L.A though.. She lives across the country😭 Let's get on with my life! It's Saturday and dad walks into my room. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Dad says as he jumps on my bed. I throw a pillow at him. "Uncle Jake is having a party later at 3 p.m and it's 12:00 right now so start getting ready soon." He says as he walks out. A party... Maybe I can make friends. Nah just kidding! I take a shower and freshen up and stuff. I go to my closet to see what I'm gonna wear. I pick out light ripped denim jeans, white converse, a White shirt and a 4ou hoodie. I leave my hair out and curly. I grab my phone and go out in the living room. "Ok Logang so Jake is having a party so of course we need to go" dad says putting on his maverick shirt. "For this first time Janessa is ready early" he says as the camera points to me. I was used to the camera at this point. "Be quite" I say. Me, dad, Lydia, and Brendan all head out to the car. Fans were standing outside screaming, I was also used to that. "Janessa it's 95 degrees out why do you have a sweater?" Dad asks. "Because I love this hoodie with a passion." I say going in the passengers seat. "Ok" he says getting in the drivers seat. We get there and there is a lot of cars. I start getting nervous because I'm not good in big crowds. We park and all start walking in the house. "HEYO! LOGANS HERE!"dad shouts as we walk in. Everybody looks. "Hey Logan! I see you brang Janessa!" Jake says vlogging. I smile and wave. "Sorry Janessa there isn't much kids.. The only kids around your age are the why don't we boys and.... Wait nice hoodie" Jake says staring at it. "Thanks it's my favorite one" I say with a big smile. "You like the Dolan twins?" Jake asks. "Yea I'm in love with them.. You can say I'm kinda obsessed." I say laughing. Jake smirks. "Well Janessa have fun!" Logan says walking off with Jake. I stood there alone. Great... I might as well look for Tessa because she's like my sister and only girl best friend I have. I see Tessa and chance vlogging together so I walk over to them. "Hey Tessa! Hey chance!" I say giving them a hug. "YES! MY FAVORITE CHILD IN THE WORLD IS HERE!" Tessa says hugging me. I laugh. "Hey kiddo" chance says rubbing my head. The door opens and who I saw come in I almost fainted... "UH TESSA!!!!" I say tugging on her shirt. "The Dolan twins are here! I'm in love with them! This is their sweatshirt from when they went on tour!" I whisper into her ear. "Ohh.. Which one do you like?" She asks. I point to Ethan. "How old?" She asks. "17" I say. "You think Logan would approve?" She says. "I mean he used to be close with them so I guess." I say getting red. "LOOK WHO SHOWED UP! THE DOLAN TWINS!" Jake yells. Dad looks at me and smiles. Half an hour later the why don't we boys are gonna perform a song so we all go outside. Me and Tessa stand in the front. Ethan and Grayson decided to stand right next to me.. They start singing and Jack comes and takes my hand. I smile and I walk up. All the boys were singing and looking at me. I dig my face in my sweater. When I look up Ethan and Grayson were staring at me and my sweater smiling. I run inside and go into the bathroom. I stand there fangirling. "Janessa are you ok?!" Tessa asks hitting the door. I open it and she hugs me. "Don't ever give me a heart attack again my child!" She says. "I saw the twins looking at me and I panicked!" I say. "Everybody's worried. Especially your dad. Come on." She says holding my hand. We walk back outside and everybody looks at me. "Sorry I had to go to the bathroom.." I say. Grayson gives Ethan a little push. The boys stop singing and everybody starts talking again. "So are you gonna talk to them?" Tessa asks. "UHHHHH" I say. All of a sudden Tessa takes my arm and bring me to the kitchen which were the twins are. "Hey Ethan and Grayson! This is Janessa. One of your biggest fans as you can see by the sweatshirt. She's also Logan's daughter so be careful.. She's 15 too and if you do anything I will do something to you. Have fun!" Tessa says as she walks away. I put my hands in my hoodie and covering my mouth, shocked. Grayson laughs. "I was gonna introduce ourselves but telling by the sweatshirt and what Tessa said you already know us." Grayson says. I nod. "We don't bite" Grayson says laughing. I nod again. "Ethan stop being rude and say something." Gray says. "H..hi" Ethan says. I get red. "Hi" I say. "Can we maybe get your number for we can hang out some time" Grayson asks. I nod and give them my number. "You're welcome Ethan" Grayson says. "What?" I say. "Nothing! Gray doesn't know what he's talking about" Ethan says and smiles. He's adorable. "I'm guessing you live in L.A?" Grayson asks. "No I live in New York" I say sarcastically. "Oh that's nice" Ethan says. We talk for about an hour and I start getting more comfortable. Brendan comes up to me "code red! Logan's coming wrap it up before things go down hill." Brendan whispers to me. I nod. "Guys I gotta go but text me!" I say. "Wait!" Ethan says. Before Ethan can talk again Dad comes. "Hey Janes..... What's going on here?" Logan asks. "Nothing dad! Come on we gotta go!" I say tugging him. "Wait Janessa! Which one did you like? It's Ethan right?" He says pointing at Ethan. Ethan gets red. "she's obsessed with you guys! It's crazy it's like she can't keep your names out her mouth! I swear she wants a kid with one of you guys. I mean sheesh dude it's crazy be careful dudes" Dad says laughing. I start getting embarrassed.I let go of dad and run out. I sit in the back while Lydia sits in the front. "Janessa what happen?" Lydia asks. "Nothing I'm fine" I say looking out the window. Dad comes in and we go home. When we get home Kong runs in my room and I slam the door. I put my hair in a messy bun with some black tights and a big maverick hoodie. I lay down and Kong jumps on the bed with me. I get a notification on Instagram and snap chat (Ethan Dolan and Grayson Dolan started following you).. (Text convo in group chat) 

E:hey Janessa it's fine. We don't think you're weird.. We thought it was... nevermind
G: yea it's alright. Your dad is cool and told us about you!
J:thanks... I gotta go guys bye. (Text ended)

I FaceTime Tessa. "Why did you leave without saying bye!" Tessa says. "Something happened and I had to zoom outta there" I say. "It's fine..how about I pick you up tomorrow at 10 a.m and we go get some Starbucks" Tessa says excited. "Sounds fun.. See you then bye" I say as I hang up. Dad knocks on my door and comes in and sits on my bed. "Yes?" I ask. "I'm sorry, that wasn't my place to say that" he says. "It's fine.." I say. "No it's not and I shouldn't have done that." He says. "Yeah but you did.. No turning back now. By the way I'm going out with Tessa tomorrow at 10 a.m" I say. "Ok you need to be home by 1" he says. "Alright" I say. "Ok well goodnight sweetie" he says as he gives me a hug and leaves. I hug Kong and drift to sleep.

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