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ITS A GIRL!!!!! everyone claps as I smile and hug Ethan. IM GONNA HAVE A FREAKING BABY GIRL😭 the party ends and I say bye to everyone. I get in the car and Ethan, Grayson, and Leslie are waiting for me in the car. We get to the warehouse and we go inside. (Half an hour later) The twins finally moved everything into the baby's new room. I go into mine and Ethan room and change into sweats pants and a shirt with a doggo on it😁 I lay down and Ethan lays down as well. "How'd you like today" he asks hugging me. "It was really good! I enjoyed it and I didn't know we knew so many people" I say laughing. "Yeah we actually have friends!" Ethan says. "Oh my god I feel special" I say. "It's because you are special princess" he says giving me a kiss. A couple days later me and Ethan were in the kitchen. "You know we need a name for the babygirl" he says. "I know I know I just don't know" I say eating a piece of cake. "Ava?" He asks. I shake my head. "Jennifer?" He says. "Nope" I say. "Janessa?" He asks. "That's my name stupid" I say throwing a piece of cake at him. I start crying because I finish my cake. "I just want cake" I say sobbing "okay okay" Ethan says as he gets me another piece "thank you!" I say smiling. "VERONICA IS THE BEST CHARACTER IN RIVERDALE" Grayson yells. "NO JUGHEAD IS" Leslie yells back. Me and Ethan look at each other. "Veronica" we both say. "VERONICA" we yell. Gray and Leslie rush into the kitchen. "WHAT HAPPEN?!" Gray asks. "VERONICA! WE'RE GONNA NAME THE BABY VERONICA" me and Ethan yell happily. "HA" Grayson yells to Leslie. She smacks him in the head. "Shut the hell up" she says. (1 month later) I was sitting on the sofa and I went to get up to get some food. I feel super wet down there and I look down to see water just coming out. "M....my... w...water" I say trying to get some words out. "MY WATER BROKE" I yell. Ethan runs over to me and picks me up. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I yell. "GETTING YOU TO THE HOSPITAL! GRAY LETS GO" Ethan yells. Grayson grabs the keys and we get into his car. "HURRY" Ethan yells holding my hand. "T...the car won't start!" Grays says. "Shit" Ethan says. we quickly go to Ethan's car and head to the hospital. "MOVE SHES GIVING BIRTH" Grayson yells pushing anybody that's in the way. (Hours later) I'm finally settled in a room. My contractions are getting worse by the minute. I hold Ethan as he wraps his arms around me. "You'll get through this I know it" he says as I dig my head into his shoulder. I'm finally going into birth! Ethan holds my hand tightly. "We might have to go do a sea section" the doctor says. "NO!" I yell. They finally get Veronica out but I don't hear crying. Ethan's eyes get watery. "Ethan why isn't she crying" I say. He looks at me. "ETHAN WHY DONT I HEAR CRYING" I say with tears. "It's ok baby" he says crying. "NO" I yell. The doctor is talking to me and Ethan but we aren't paying attention. Me and Ethan cry in each others arms. Soon enough we hear crying. Me and Ethan's head shoot up. "SHES ALIVE DOC" we hear a nurse yell. Ethan's and mines tears turn into tears of joy. I get Veronica in my arms and I don't let her go. Ethan holds her and we pass her around. Soon enough she's back in my arms. A few days later we leave the hospital and go home. Ethan and Gray went out so I was home with Roni (short for Veronica) the twins come home "LOOK WHAT I GOT" Ethan shouts. "If you don't shut the hell up! Veronica is sleeping dumb ass!" I say. "Sorry anyways look" he says putting up his arm. Right on his wrist it said "Veronica" in cursive. "Aww" I say giving him a kiss.  (A year later) me and Ethan are going on a nice hike😁 Gray and Leslie were gonna watch Roni. Me and Ethan haven't been out without her since she was born. We drive to the path and we start walking. "You miss her don't you?" Ethan asks. "Duh! That's my daughter" I say. "She's my daughter too" he says laughing. We get to a high mountain point and i can tell Ethan's nervous. "What's up baby!" I ask. "Nothing just still crazy to think I'm a dad" he says. We take some Instagram pictures and Ethan takes both my hands. "Janessa I love you so much and we have a kid together!" He says. "I love you too and yes I know! I love her very much" I say. "There's just one thing missing" he says getting on one knee. I stare wide eyed at him and everybody is staring. "Janessa Jennie Paul... Will you marry me?" He asks as he opens a mini box with a ring in it. "Eh....I.... GAHHHH YESS!" I yell nodding. He puts the ring on my finger then gets up and hugs me. People clap and smile. I give him a big nice kiss😂 we go back home and Leslie runs up to me. "HE ACTUALLY DID IT" Leslie yells. Roni starts crying and we all give her a look. "Good job Leslie" Grayson says trying to put her back to sleep. "Just wait until you put her down... we're gonna fight" she says. (2 years later) ITS MY WEDDING DAYYYY😭❤️ Grayson and Ethan were getting ready in one room and me,Leslie,and Veronica were getting ready in another room. Roni was playing on her iPad while Leslie was on her phone. It was time to put on dresses. I help Roni put hers on and Leslie puts hers on. I go into the bathroom and put my dress on. I walk out and everybody stares. "My best Friend is beautiful" Leslie says. "Wow mommy!" Roni says.

A/N: so the next chapter is probably the last chapter because I want to start a new storyyyyy!! But yeah i feel like I've been writing this chapter for ages and it's tiring with school and stuff

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