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It's been 10 months now! Crazy I know! Ethan was suppose to come 8 months but he stood at Jersey for a additional 2 months. He never came to L.A to tell Jack something which thank god! He could honestly be coming any day or hour now.. Dad never found out about Jack and how he abused me and how he still stalks me and tries to still touch me. I got marks here and there but the bruises are gone. Me and Ethan haven't been talking much...Oh and Jack still gets way to close to me and grabs me the way he's not suppose to when nobody's looking. I kinda grew away from everybody. I shut my phone off so I can't get any notifications and I haven't left the house. I'm sadly in a depression. It's been like this for 6 months now and I don't know why. I haven't left my bed for days in a row. Dad walks in my room. "You ok?" He asks. I shrug. Ethan walks in and smiles at me. "Long time no see huh?" I say looking at him. "What? Why aren't you happy and jumping?" He says sitting on my bed. "I'll leave you two alone" dad says walking out my room and closing the door. "You haven't called or texted or tweeted or anything? Everything alright?" He asks. "No everything's not alright. Jack still touches me and dad doesn't know and you... You haven't been here for me when I needed you the most" I say. "I'm sorry" he says looking down. "Ethan we've been growing apart.." I say. "I think we should both agree and take a break" I say. "No Janessa! Please don't do this! I love you!" He says holding my hands. "Ethan I'm sorry... Can you go" I say looking at the door. He walks out and my dad walks in. "Wanna talk?" He asks. "No I don't... I'm gonna get up and record a video so please close the door" I say. Videos always make me kinda happy even though i wanna break down but I did it for the best. Don't get me wrong I still love him it's just we need a break. I get up and get dressed for the video. I put all of Ethan's clothes I have in a corner and put on a black long sleeve with jeans and put my hair in a bun. I put the camera on and fake a smile. "Hey guys it's me Janessa!" I say putting my hands up. "Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! Things have happened in life... But 6 months ago I asked you guys to send questions on Twitter and you did so! So let's get on with the questions!" I say turning off the camera for a break. Time to turn on my phone... I turn it on and have 100 missed calls and 1000 texts from Ethan and a whole bunch of Twitter, snapchat, and Instagram notifications. I go onto Instagram and see that the thing about me and Ethan breaking up is already around... He got interviewed right when he walked out the building... Great. I turn the camera back on. "Ok! Let's read some questions!" I say smiling. "What's your favorite thing to do in your free time? Hmm I like writing fan fiction shh!" I say with a giggle. "How are you and your dad after your party? good Thank you for asking" I say. "Kiss marry kill! Ethan,Zach from why don't we,and Kyle David hall" I read as a question. "Guys that's not funny to talk about my old obsession with Kyle David hall." I say laughing. "I would kill Kyle, marry Ethan, and kiss Zach" I say. "Are you and Ethan good? Umm" I say. "Boyfriend tag with Ethan? Sorry" I say. "Did you and Ethan break up? We're on a break.. I plan on getting back with him if he doesn't completely forget about me.. It's just things right now in my life are bumpy and that's one worry gone for now.. Jathen will come back guys! I promise" i say with a slight smile. "WELL! That's it for this video! I hope you guys enjoyed and I love you my little beans!" I say blowing a kiss to the camera and turning it off. A couple weeks go by and I'm feeling much better! I wake up with a giant smile and get into a outfit for the day. I put on a maverick crock top, dark denim shorts,black converse,and I decide to straighten my hair, when I finish I split it in half and smile at the mirror. "You're cute" I say to myself winking. I sit on the couch and hear dad vlogging. It's about 2 p.m right now and i had just tweeted something. My comments blew up with things saying look on celeb secrets Instagram. I go onto there page and see a video of Ethan walking into the Why Don't We house and then a whole bunch of banging. The caption says "I don't think Ethan's to happy with Jack right now.. @NessaPaul @JackAveryMusic @EthanDolan" It was posted 2 minutes ago so he might still be there. "Dad we gotta go to the why don't we house!" I say standing. "Janessa I'm vlogging" he says. "WE HAVE TO! ETHAN AND JACK MIGHT HAVE GOTTIN IN TO SOMETHING" I say with a lump in my throat. He looks at me. "Brendan vlog.. We're going to the why don't we house" dad says grabbing his keys. We run to the yeti and I hop in the front with dad. We rush over to the house and before we go in we hear screaming. I shake my head and dad looks at me. Without saying anything dad bursts through the door. I go in behind him and seeing everything out of place. Zach was holding back Jack while Grayson held back Ethan. "IF IT WASENT FOR YOUR DUMB ASS I WOULD STILL HAVE MY GIRLFRIEND!" Ethan yells. "IF YOU NEVER DATED HER SHE WOULD OF BEEN MINE" Jack yells back. "GRAYSON LET ME FUCKING GO!" Ethan yells. I guess Ethan got stronger because Grayson let go and Ethan punched Jack right in the face. I was shocked and I felt like my feet were glued to the ground. Grayson was able to take Ethan back. "THATS WHY JANESSA BROKE UP WITH YOU" Jack yells. I'm pretty sure they didn't know I was listening. "AT LEAST SHE LOVED ME MORE THAN YOU" he says flipping him the middle finger. I had enough and decided to get in. I walk in the middle of them. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! STOP FIGHTING! YES JACK DID SOMETHING BAD BUT SO DID YOU ETHAN. AND JACK LEAVE HIM ALONE! I DO LOVE HIM MORE!"I yell looking at them. Grayson and Zach let go of the boys. "YOU GUYS ARE ACTING CHILDISH! FIGHTING FOR A 16 YEAR OLD?! YOU GUYS ARE ACTING LIKE 12 YEAR OLDS THAT HAVE A RELATIONSHIP IN MIDDLE SCHOOL" I keep yelling. "Sorry" they both say looking down. "You should be sorry.. Very sorry.." I say walking out. Ethan and Grayson walk out behind us and Ethan stops me. "Can we talk?" He says. I look at dad and Brendan and they nod as they go into the yeti. "What" I say crossing my arms. "I'm sorry... You knew I was gonna do it anyways. I didn't mean to get you upset but I still love you and I will do anything to protect you" he says taking my hand. I wish I could be mad at him but his face! It's just to cute! "Thank you but never do that again.. With any guy!" I say. He takes a step closer to me and puts his forehead on mine. "You really want me back don't you?" I say with a little smile. "Yeah.. This has been the worst past weeks of my life" he says frowning. "Ughhhhh... Why do I love you so much?" I say. "Back together?" Ethan asks. "Back together" I say. He gives me a long kiss and holds me. "Gosh I missed that" I say. "I did too. Love you princess" he says smiling. "Love you too Eteeweetee" I say walking back to the yeti. I go inside the car with a smile spread across my face. "Got that on camera!" Dad says smiling. "Really?!" I say. "Yup!" He says taking my hand. I smile and we head back to the house. I change into Ethan's orange hoodie and some black tights and FaceTime Ethan. "Hey beautiful" he says smiling. "Hey" I say laying down. We talk for a couple hours the I decide to head to bed. We hang up and I tweet something. (@Janessa_slays tweeted: JATHEN IS BACK GUYS! we talked it out and decided it's time to get back together❤️ Hope you guys are as happy as us💜😊) (@EthanDolan liked retweeted and replied: YOU'RE RIGHT! Happy to be back with you💕💗) I put my phone down and cuddle up with Kong thinking about today. I got my man back❤️❤️

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